Plants (Science - GR 1) Lesson Objective: To learn about the life cycle of a plant.
Plants (Reading - GR 1) Lesson Objective: To read the poem, “Life of a Plant,” and then answer questions about the poem
Plants (Writing - GR 1) Lesson Objective: To write an informational piece about the life cycle of a plant
Plants (Math - GR 1) Lesson Objective: To use addition to solve word problems
Plants (Math - GR 2) Lesson Objective: To estimate and then measure the height of different plants
Plants (Reading - GR 2) Lesson Objective: To read the book, Redwoods, and answer questions about the book
Plants (Science - GR 2) Lesson Objective: To learn about what a plant needs to grow
Plants (Writing - GR 2) Lesson Objective: To write a story from the point of view of a redwood tree
Harvest - Reading (GR K) Lesson Objective: To read the poem, “Autumn Means Harvest”, and then answer questions about the poem
Harvest - Science (GR K) Lesson Objective: To learn about different locations to grow vegetables
Harvest - Math (GR K) Lesson Objective: To compare groups of objects to identify greater than, less than and equal to
Harvest - Writing (GR K) Lesson Objective: To write an informational piece about what a harvest is.
Harvest - Reading (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To listen to the book, Strega Nona’s Harvest, and then answer questions about the book
Harvest - Science (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To learn about how to plant vegetables in a garden
Harvest - Math (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To compare the length of two objects by using a third
Harvest - Writing (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To write an opinion piece about which vegetable the student would most like to grow and why
Harvest - Reading (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To read the poem, “Harvest Moon,” and then answer questions about the poem
Harvest - Writing (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To write a story about what it would be like at a harvest party
Harvest - Social Studies (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To learn about and compare harvesting in pre-industrial times to harvesting now and how it has changed peoples’ lives
Harvest - Math (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To determine if a group of objects has an odd or even number
Harvest - Reading (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To read an excerpt from Little House in the Big Woods and use it as a starting point for a discussion about harvesting food.
Harvest - Writing (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To write an opinion on if harvesting was easier 100 years ago or now
Harvest - Social Studies (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To learn about and compare harvesting in pre-industrial times to harvesting now and how it has changed peoples’ lives.
Harvest - Math (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To use multiplication and division to solve equations.
Baseball - Writing (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To write an opinion piece about baseball.
Baseball - Reading (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To listen to the book, The Berenstain Bears Go Out For the Team, and then answer questions about the book
Baseball - Social Studies (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To learn about baseball and answer questions
Baseball - Math (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To tell time to the hour and half-hour.
Baseball - Writing (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To write a story about what it would be like to be the first person to do something importantBaseball - Writing (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To write a story from the point of view of a baseball
Baseball - Reading (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To read a poem about Jackie Robinson and then answer questions about it
Baseball - Social Studies (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To learn about Jackie Robinson. Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Baseball - Math (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To practice math facts using addition doubles
Baseball - Writing (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To write a story from the point of view of a baseball
Baseball - Reading (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To read a poem about baseball and then answer questions about it
Baseball - Social Studies (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To learn about the history of baseball in America and answer questions about what has been learned
Baseball - Math (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To use multiplication and division to solve equations
Animal Homes - Reading (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To listen to the book, No Place Like Home, and then answer questions about the book
Animal Homes - Science (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To learn about two different animal homes. What is the difference between a beaver and a prairie dog?
Animal Homes - Math (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To order objects by length. Look at the pictures of the animal homes. Use the picture of the book to help you answer the questions.
Animal Homes - Writing (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To write a story about what it would be like to be an animal building a home
Animal Homes - Writing (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To write an imagined narrative about what type of home you would have if you were an animal
Animal Homes - Science (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To learn about different types of animal homes
Animal Homes - Reading (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To read a poem about animal homes and answer questions while referring to different stanzas of the poem
Animal Homes - Math (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To determine the perimeter of different shaped animal homes given the side lengths
Insects - Reading (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To read the poem, “Songs of Summer,” and then answer questions about the poem
Insects - Writing (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To write a story about being a helpful insect.
Insects - Math (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems
Insects - Science (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To learn about what makes an insect an insect.
Insects - Reading (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To read the poem, “A World of Bugs”, and answer questions about the poem
Insects - Writing (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To write a narrative pretending to be an insect and describing what your body looks like
Insects - Math (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To practice math facts using addition and subtraction
Insects - Science (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To learn about what makes an insect an insect
Insects - Math (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To use multiplication and division to solve equations
Insects - Reading (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To read a chapter from James and the Giant Peach and then answer questions relating to what was read.
Insects - Writing (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To write a story about what the world would be like without insects
Insects - Science (GR 3) There are over a million different types of insects in the world. There are insects that crawl and insects that fly.
Hockey - Reading (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To listen to Dino-Hockey and then answer questions about the book.
Hockey - Reading (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To read the book, The Magic Hockey Stick and answer questions about the story
Hockey - Reading (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To read an excerpt of a story about hockey and then answer questions about it
Hockey - Writing (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To write an opinion piece about hockey.
Hockey - Writing (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To write a story about what it would be like to be one of the first people to play hockey
Hockey - Writing (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To write a story in the perspective of a hockey puck
Hockey - Math (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To tell time to the hour and half-hour.
Hockey - Math (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To solve word problems involving time with the sport of hockey.
Hockey - Math (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To solve hockey word problems involving time
Hockey - Social Studies (GR 1) Lesson Objective: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Hockey - Social Studies (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To learn about the game of hockey and how it started
Hockey - Social Studies (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To learn about the history of hockey and answer questions about what has been learned
Hibernation - Writing (GR K) Lesson Objective: To write an informational piece about how frogs hibernate
Hibernation - Math (GR K) Lesson Objective: To identify shapes
Hibernation - Science (GR K) Lesson Objective: To learn about how frogs hibernate
Hibernation - Reading (GR K) Lesson Objective: To read the book, Bear Snores On, and then answer questions about the book
Hibernation - Writing (GR 1) - Hibernation Lesson Plan Objective: To write an opinion piece about what food they would eat to get ready to hibernate
Hibernation - Math (GR 1) - Hibernation Lesson Plan Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems regarding hibernation.
Hibernation - Science (GR 1) - Hibernation Lesson Plan Objective: To learn about why and how animals hibernate.
Hibernation - Reading (GR 1) - Hibernation Lesson Plan Objective: To read the poem, “Winter Sleep,” and then answer questions about the poem.
Hibernation - Math (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems
Hibernation - Math (Gr 3) - Lesson Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems involving time in regards to hibernation
Hibernation - Reading (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To read the book, Sleep, Big Bear, Sleep and answer questions about the story.
Hibernation - Reading (Gr 3) - Lesson Objective: To read a myth about why bears hibernate and discuss the message conveyed in the myth.
Hibernation - Writing (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To read the book, Sleep, Big Bear, Sleep and answer questions about the story.
Hibernation - Writing (Gr 3) - Lesson Objective: To write an imagined narrative about hibernation
Hibernation - Science (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To learn about animals that hibernate and then answer questions about them.
Hibernation - Science (Gr 3) - Lesson Objective: To learn why animals hibernate and then answer questions related to that information
Migration - Reading (GR K) Lesson Objective: To read the book, Home at Last: A Song of Migration, and then answer questions about the book
Migration - Writing (GR K) Lesson Objective: To write an informational piece about migration
Migration - Math (GR K) Lesson Objective: To compare two groups of objects
Migration - Science (GR K) Lesson Objective: To learn about why animals migrate.
Migration - Reading (Gr 1) Lesson Objective: To listen to Boundless Sky and then answer questions about the book
Migration - Writing (Gr 1) Lesson Objective: To write a text sharing what was learned about migration
Migration - Math (Gr 1) Lesson Objective: To compare two digit numbers based on tens and one
Migration - Science (Gr 1) Lesson Objective: To learn about bird migration
Migration - Reading (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To read the book, Hurry and the Monarch and answer questions about the story
Migration - Writing (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To write a story explaining if you would like to migrate and why
Migration - Math (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To determine if a group of objects has an odd or even number
Migration - Science (Gr 2) Lesson Objective: To learn about why animals migrate and then answer questions about them
Migration - Reading (Gr 3) Lesson Objective: To read a legend about migration and then answer questions about it
Migration - Writing (Gr 3) Lesson Objective: To write an opinion indicating whether it is better for animals that migrate to live in groups or not
Migration - Math (Gr 3) Lesson Objective: To use multiplication and division to solve and write word problems
Migration - Science (Gr 3) Lesson Objective: To learn what migration is and why and how animals migrate
Snowflakes - Reading - (Gr 3) Lesson Objective: To read a poem about winter and then answer questions about it
Snowflakes - Writing - (Gr 3) Lesson Objective: To write an imagined narrative about being a snowflake
Snowflakes - Math - (Gr 3) Lesson Objective: To use multiplication and division to solve word problems
Snowflakes - Science - (Gr 3) Lesson Objective: To learn what snowflakes are and how they are formed
Snowflakes - Reading (Gr2) Lesson Objective: To read the book, Snow, and answer questions about the story
Snowflakes - Writing (Gr2) Lesson Objective: To write an informational piece explaining what was learned about snow
Snowflakes - Math (Gr2) Lesson Objective: To answer questions based on a bar graph
Snowflakes - Science (Gr2) Lesson Objective: To learn about snowflakes and then answer questions about them
Snowflakes - Reading (Gr1) Lesson Objective: To listen to Snow Globe Family and then answer questions about the book
Snowflakes - Writing (Gr1) Lesson Objective: To write a story about what it would be like to be a snowflake
Snowflakes - Science (Gr1) Lesson Objective: To learn about how a snowflake is formed.
Snowflakes - Math (Gr1) Lesson Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems
Snowflakes - Reading (Gr K) Lesson Objective: To read the book, Winter is Here, and then answer questions about the book
Snowflakes - Writing (Gr K) Lesson Objective: Teach students to write an informational piece about what a snowflake is and then draw a picture with this lesson and printable student handout
Snowflakes - Science (Gr K) Lesson Objective: Teach students about snowflakes is with this ready-to-use lesson and printable student handout.
Snowflakes - Math (Gr K) Lesson Objective:: To compare the height of two objects.
Football - Reading (Gr K) Lesson Objective: To read the book, Don’t Throw it to Mo!, and then answer questions about the book.
Football - Writing (GR K) Lesson Objective: To write an informational piece about what football is
Football - Social Studies (Gr K) Lesson Objective: To learn about football and answer questions.
Football - Math (Gr K) Lesson Objective: To compare the length of two objects
Football - Writing (GR 1) Ready to use Emergency Sub Lesson & handout! Lesson Objective: To write an opinion piece about football.
Football - Social Studies (Gr1) Step-by-step Emergency Sub Lesson & handout! Lesson Objective: To learn about football and answer questions.
Football - Math (Gr1) Are you ready to play football? Ready to use Emergency Sub Lesson & Student handout on how to use add and subtract within 10.
Football - Reading (Gr1) Ready to use Emergency Sub Lesson & handout! Lesson Objective: To listen to "Miss Nelson Has a Field Day" and then answer questions about the book
Football - Reading (Gr2) Lesson Objective: To read the poem, “Running Back,” and then answer questions about the poem
Football - Reading (Gr3) - Lesson Objective: To read an excerpt from a book about football and then answer questions about that excerpt.
Football - Writing (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To write a story about what it would be like to be the football in a game
Football - Writing (Gr 3) - Lesson Objective: To write the rest of the story based on the chapter read from Touchdown Kid.
Football - Math (Gr2) Lesson Objective: To practice math facts using addition and subtraction
Football - Math (Gr 3) - Who's ready for football? Use multiplication and division to solve equations!
Football - Social Studies (Gr2) Lesson Objective: To learn about the game of football including the rules and scoring
Football - Social Studies (Gr 3) - Lesson Objective: To learn about the history of football in America and answer questions about what has been learned.
Stars - Reading (GR K) Lesson Objective: To read the book, How to Catch a Star, and then answer questions about the book.
Stars - Writing (GR K) Lesson Objective: To write an informational piece about what a star is. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.2
Stars - Science (GR K) Lesson Objective: To learn about what a star is. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.K.1
Stars - Math (GR K) Lesson Objective: Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.OA.A.2
Stars - Reading (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To listen to chapter 1 in Stink Moody in Master of Disaster and then answer questions about the book
Stars - Writing (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To write a narrative about star gazing. Write about a time that you looked at stars.
Stars - Science (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To learn facts about stars. Read about stars. Then, fill in the chart.
Stars - Math (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To use addition to solve problems
Stars - Writing (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To write a narrative on a star’s name including details on why that name was chosen
Stars - Science (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To learn about stars and then answer questions about them
Stars - Math (GR 2) Lesson Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems
Stars - Writing (GR 3) Lesson Objective: To write a myth about an imagined constellation
Stars - Science (GR 3) - Lesson Objective: learn about how a star is formed and then answer questions related to that information
Stars - Math (GR 3) - Lesson Objective: To use multiplication and division to solve word problems.
Life-cycle - Writing (Gr K) Lesson Objective: To write an informational piece about the cycle of a butterfly.
Life-cycle - Science (Gr K) Lesson Objective: To learn about the life cycle of a butterfly
Life-cycle - Reading (Gr K) Lesson Objective: To read the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and then answer questions about the book
Life-cycle - Math (Gr K) Lesson Objective: To count to answer the question ‘how many?’
Life-cycle - Writing (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To write an informational piece about a life cycle
Life-cycle - Science (GR1) Lesson Objective: To learn about the life cycle of a chick and the life cycle of a dog and compare the life cycles.
Life-cycle - Reading (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To read the poem, “Dog’s Day,” and then answer questions about the poem
Life-cycle - Math (GR 1) Lesson Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems
Life Cycle - Reading (GR 2) - Lesson Objective: To read the story, The Frog Prince, and then answer questions about the story.
Life Cycle - Writing (GR 2) - Lesson Objective: To write an opinion about how they would react to meeting the Frog Prince.
Life Cycle - Science (GR 2) - Lesson Objective: To learn about where frogs life, the life cycle of frogs and then answer questions about the life cycle
Life Cycle - Math (GR 2) - Lesson Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems
Life Cycle - Math (GR 3) - Lesson Objective: To use multiplication and division to solve word problems
Life Cycle - Science (GR 3) - Lesson Objective: To learn about the life cycle of trumpeter swans and then answer questions about the life cycle
Life Cycle - Reading (GR 3) - Lesson Objective: To read an excerpt from Trumpet of the Swans and discuss how it relates to the life cycle of swans.
Life Cycle - Writing (GR3) - Lesson Objective: To write the rest of the story based on the chapter read from The Trumpet of the Swan