Principal Ideas #51
Improving teacher attendance, school pledges build community, Million Dollar Baby
Principal Ideas #50
Wild teachers, academic pep rally, boosting test attendance, more
Principal Ideas #49
Principals Math Sweepstakes, staff Olympics, Do You Know This Student?, more
Principal Ideas #48
The big picture, Black History Month contest, character tree, more
Principal Ideas #47
Attendance Olympics, school-wide family tree, Stuff a Bus, more
Principal Ideas #46
Golden garbage can, Behavior Bucks, staff on display, more
Principal Ideas #45
Birthday basket, peer walk-throughs, themed reading month, more
Principal Ideas #44
The Starfish Award, nail techs make the day, Principals Buck Store, more
Principal Ideas #43
Building scavenger hunt, Staff Showcase, Principals Word of the Week, more
Principal Ideas #42
Family vacation weeks, academic pep rally, bus driver breakfast, more...
Principal Ideas #41
Send caf staff to lunch, Movie Day fundraiser, wild theme, more...
Principal Ideas #40
Teaching parents too, "snow" business, training via email, more...
Principal Ideas #39
Teacher swap, A.M. announcement "guests," phone trees, more...
Principal Ideas #38
Family photo day, Friday Focus, "feeding a need," more...
Principal Ideas #37
PowerPoint story time, Sparkle Day, video game incentives, more...
Principal Ideas #36
Secret Pals, positive-behavior referrals, school survival kit, more...
Principal Ideas #35
Parents in the P.M., Daddy Donut Day, fingerprint-a-thon, more...
Principal Ideas #34
"Goat insurance" fund raiser, Shadow Day, copy cats, more...
Principal Ideas #33
Building student respect, Have-It-Your-Way fundraiser, local PR, more...
Principal Ideas #32
School climate surveys, laugh lines, "High Five" incentives, more...
Principal Ideas #31
Celebrity shoe auction, scavenger hunt for new students, volunteers, more...
Principal Ideas #30
Parents as teachers, "Fab Friday" fun, recognition (t)issue, more...
Principal Ideas #29
Easing the transition, biz partnerships, more...
Principal Ideas #28
Rise & Shine Fridays, luxury lunch, more...
Principal Ideas #27
Drawing a crowd to PTA, newsletter kudos for teachers, more.
Principal Ideas #26
Special night for kids and dads, prime parking, more.
Principal Ideas #25
Teacher personalities, celebrate teacher milestones...
Principal Ideas #24
Ideas for keeping fresh ideas alive.
Principal Ideas #23
No more door-to-door, graduation letter exchange, more...
Principal Ideas #22
The little things count most, opening-day parade...
Principal Ideas #21
Rewarding good attendance, auction fund-raising idea...
Principal Ideas #20
Relieve test tension, positive discipline, more...
Principal Ideas #19
Group of the month, on your marquee, Teacher Olympics...
Principal Ideas #18
Teacher's lounge monthly question, good behavior STARS, more...
Principal Ideas #17
Secret meeting signal, Pastries for Parents, more...
Principal Ideas #16
Encouraging Words Chain, service learning in elementary school...
Principal Ideas #15
Readers are leaders idea, graduation keepsake, more...
Principal Ideas #14
Potluck suppers one class at a time, "Pamper Day," more...
Principal Ideas #13
Plan a "Best-a-Thon" to raise money, yours for a song (and a dollar), more...
Principal Ideas #12
Students get "caught" reading, free-break lottery, more...
Principal Ideas #11
Pies and water balloons boost attendance, Teacher Appreciation Year!, more...
Principal Ideas #10
Principal's "Brag Board," "blow up" your teachers, more...
Principal Ideas #9
Newsletter exchange, marshmallow stress relief, meeting ideas, more...
Principal Ideas #8
Staff Member of the Month, quarterly incentives, "Caught in the Act," more...
Principal Ideas #7
Parents Day, Map Attack, country-western opening day, more...
Principal Ideas #6
Positive meetings, "Teacher-Talk" journal, inspiring the teacher-artist, more...
Principal Ideas #5
Music at lunch, Dad's Club, Secret Spook Week, moo-cho money, more...
Principal Ideas #4
More A.M. announcement fun, teachers as lifelong learners, more...
Principal Ideas #3
Reaching for reading goals, Friday "Happy Hour," RISE in the Morning, more...
Principal Ideas #2
"School Hug," trivia time, clean slate, spirit assemblies, more...
Principal Ideas #1
Toy Rummage Sale, A.M. announcement fun, peacemaker chain, more...