Language & Literature
Subject Center
Education World's Langauge and Literature Subject Center is your one-stop shop for free reading, language arts, and literature teaching materials. Be sure to check out the sidebar on this page for links to language arts lesson plans, printable work sheets, and other tools and resources. Click links below to read articles of practical interest to reading, language arts, and literature educators across the grades.
Write It; Live It: Six Steps to Help Kids Write Their Own Lives
The most effective way to help students discover their own passion is by having them write their own life stories -- ahead of time.
Letters Connect Generations
A pen pal program involving Utah fifth graders and senior citizens has created new connections between the generations and introduced students to the almost-lost art of formal letter-writing. The program is benefiting the entire community.
Veteran Actor Tony Danza Steps onto Classroom Stage
Years after studying to be a history teacher, actor Tony Danza decided to try his skills in the classroom as a high-school English teacher in Philadelphia. His experiences as a first-year teacher are featured in the A&E series, Teach: Tony Danza.
Student-Written Books Spread Anti-Bullying Message
No one is more knowledgeable about the causes and consequences of bullying than bullies and their targets. Two anti-bullying books written by middle school students aim to help peers and younger students realize the importance of speaking out against bullying.
Books in the Home Can Predict a Childs Education Level
The presence of books in the home has a greater influence on a childs level of education than does parents income, nationality, or level of education. A 20-year study shows how investing in books can make a big difference.
An Inspiring Teacher Draws Inspiration from Students
Finding ways to put students at the center of their own learning and helping them find their passions are just some of the reasons Sarah Brown Wessling was named the 2010 National Teacher of the Year.
Harry Potter, Magic Hook Kids on Science
As a new teacher, Alan McCormack turned to magic to conjure up more student interest in his science lessons. Then, when the Harry Potter books appeared, he wove aspects of those books into his lessons. His students were enchanted.
Okay, Grammar Still Isnt Fun, But Everyone Can Master It
Veteran English teacher Marian Anders wants people to know that when it comes to grammar, it does matter which option you choose, but learning to make the right choice neednt be the ordeal most people fear it will be.
"Extreme Read--Warrior Style" Connects Kids, Parents, Teachers Through Books
Students at one Florida middle schools read and discuss young adult novels as part of the school's annual "Extreme Read." The experience gives students a chance to see those around them -- peers, parents, and even the math teacher -- as fellow readers.
The Book Whisperer Inspires Kids to Read
Donalyn Miller earned the nickname The Book Whisperer because of her almost mystical success getting kids to read -- a lot. Allowing children to choose books, and providing reading role models and time to read are among her strategies.
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