Education World respects your right to privacy.
Personal Information
When you visit the Education World and SchoolNotes websites, you remain anonymous. Before we ask you for any personal information, we will tell you why we want the information and how we plan to use it. We will not provide any personal information to other companies or individuals without your permission. Some areas of our site may require registration. We may ask you for your name, e-mail address, and other basic information. If you subscribe to our newsletter, we may also send you third party offers that we feel may be of interest to you. We will use any information we gather only to help us understand your needs and make Education World more valuable for you. You may choose whether to access pages that require registration. We will always give you the option to elect not to receive additional information from us during the registration process. If you sign up for electronic newsletters, you will find "unsubscribe" instructions readily available in every newsletter and on the Education World Web site. Although the staff of Education World works hard to keep the site a safe education portal, we recommend that children get their parents' permission before giving us any personal information.
Protecting your Privacy
Education World takes every step possible to protect your privacy at all times. If you provide sensitive information, we use secure servers and protocol to encrypt all information. We also enable security measures to protect personal information in storage. Education World uses credit card numbers only for processing payments; we do not retain card numbers for marketing purposes. We will not provide any personal information to other companies or individuals without your permission. Many of our Web site provide links to third-party sites. Education World staff members review those sites to ensure their "safety"; however, because we do not control the Web sites, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party sites.
Some areas of the Education World and SchoolNotes websites may use cookies to help you customize your experience at our site. These cookies do not track individual information for marketing purposes, and we will not contact you without your consent. A cookie stores useful information that lets us remember you when you return. Cookies from Education World can and will be read and processed only by Education World servers. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser, you can still access most of our Web site.
Education World welcomes comments and questions regarding this privacy policy. Our staff is dedicated to protecting your personal information and makes every effort to keep that information secure. You may direct any questions about Education World's privacy policy to [email protected].
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