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Education World [] offers teachers, parents, students, administrators, and school technologists a place where they can start each weekday of the school year with a wealth of new, practical content. Education World now incorporates SchoolNotes [], the leading school-to-home communications platform.

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Most Education World content is aimed at classroom teachers, and often there is a printable worksheet of some kind for students. Classroom teachers are certainly invited to print out as many copies of such materials as they need for classroom use without asking prior permission.

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Instructors in higher education may follow the limited reprint rights outlined above for PreK-12 teacher-training and professional-development uses. However, no instructor may base a substantial amount of any course material, especially online, upon such use of Education World material. Nor in any case can the instructor lift entire content items and place them in electronic form in their course material.


Aside from the limited reprint rights granted above, any reprint or other use of Education World copyright material is to be requested expressly of [email protected]. Any such request must cite the exact Education World URL and a full description of the usage being requested. Only those URLs and those exact usages will be sanctioned by any affirmative response.

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Citation is not limited to these suggested formats.

APA Reference
AUTHOR last name, first name (date of article). Title of article. Retrieved Day Month Year from [insert precise URL of article]

Delisio, Ellen (2007, January 8). More short tests can help learning. Retrieved Friday, March 2, 2007, from

MLA Reference:
AUTHOR last name, first name. "Article Title" Education World, DATE Day Month Year. Accessed DATE Day Month Year
< insert precise URL of article >.

Delisio, Ellen. "More Short Tests Can Help Learning.", 8 January, 2007. Accessed 2 March 2007 <
admin/admin471.shtml >.