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Early Childhood Activity Bank
Find 400+ activities perfect for young learners. These activities have been culled from previous issues of our Early Childhood Newsletter. Search by month for timely activities, or search the Activity Bank by subject.
Early Childhood Teaching Themes
Our early childhood editor, Sue LaBella, offers hundreds of activities on dozens of classroom teaching themes. Check out our archive today.
Castaldo's Corner: Early Childhood Activities
Educator Nancy Castaldo shares timely activities throughout the school year for engaging young children in discovery and learning. Each link will take you to a hands-on activity and ideas for extending that activity.
Poems for Early Childhood
Sue LaBella, Education World's early childhood editor, has written fun rhymes to fit many themes. Scan her list of poems by month. Don't miss her "Poems for Anytime" too.
Early Childhood Newsletter
Visit our archive of past issues of the Education World Early Childhood Newsletter.
From Our Article Archive
Three Big Ideas for Addressing Preschool Language and Literacy Learning
Focusing on oral language, reading aloud, and language play, instead of on structured sit-down lessons, flashcard drills, and worksheets, keeps young children on the right track to literacy.
Rounding Up Pre-K Kids, Parents
Inviting parents and pre-kindergartners to meet teachers and see their schools six months before school opens can noticeably reduce first-day jitters -- for everyone. Called kindergarten round-ups, these events also let teachers meet their incoming charges.
Jumpstart Charges Kids Up for Learning!
After Aaron Lieberman spent a summer break as a camp counselor, he returned to his studies at Yale University with a desire to provide individual attention for at-risk preschool students. With the help of others, he founded Jumpstart, an organization that matches college students and youngsters in one-to-one sessions that help the kids charge up for learning. The Jumpstart mission is "to engage young people in service to work toward the day every child in America enters school prepared to succeed." Since its inception, Jumpstart has served more than 8,000 children.