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The role of K-12 teachers has expanded far beyond the traditional confines of education. Teachers are now expected to wear multiple hats—educator, mentor, advocate, caregiver, and, in some cases, first responder to mental health crises. 
Students will identify and understand the relationship between singular nouns and their irregular plural forms. They will correctly match singular...
Studies show that listening to background music while working causes listeners to reduce their level of stress and anxiety so you may want to consider...
Draw yourself to create a self-portrait. Be as creative as you want!
What do you know about snowflakes? Snowflakes all look different. They all have the same number of sides, but every snowflake has a different...
People often mistakenly dismiss new teachers as being too inexperienced to hold value, which could not be further from the truth. Those who are newer...
The role of K-12 teachers has expanded far beyond the traditional confines of education. Teachers are now expected to wear multiple hats—educator,...
You are going to label the different parts of the photosynthesis process and then describe the process.
You are going to label the different parts of an animal cell and then describe their function.
You are going to label the parts of the respiratory system.
You are going to label and describe the main parts of the human brain.