Physical Education
and Health
Education World's Physical Education and Health Subject Center is your one-stop shop for free PE/health teaching materials. Be sure to check out the sidebar on this page for links to PE and health lesson plans, printable work sheets, and other tools and resources. Click links below to read articles of practical interest to PE and health educators across the grades.
Virtual Active Technology Spurs Actual Exercise
Middle-schoolers in one Connecticut community cant wait for PE so they can run through the worlds cities, race mountain bikes, and ride skateboards and snowboards. The districts new virtual exercise equipment is getting gamers off the couch and into the fitness room.
Principals Launch School-Wide Wellness Programs
Many schools weave health awareness programs into their curriculum. Those programs improve school climate as they build wellness awareness in the wider community. Included: Principals share school-wide fitness, health, and nutrition awareness ideas.
Health Fair Gives Shot in the Arm to Parent Involvement
In Ronceverte, West Virginia, one middle school's health and wellness fair features free glucose checks, blood pressure checks, and flu shots plus healthy snacks and fun activities. The fair brings in parents who have never before stepped through the school doors.
Plinkoball Helps Students Exercise Math Skills
In search of a way to liven up the playground, elementary principal Sam Slarskey came up with Plinkoball, a game in which kids launch balls at funnels and calculate their scores based on where they were standing and the balls path to the ground.
Dont Go Back to School Without a Flu Shot
As teachers and administrators finalize all the last-minute details for the start of a new school year, the American Lung Association wants them to remember to include an influenza vaccination in their back-to-school preparations.
Students Pumped Up Over Fitness Rooms
Stairmasters and bicep curls are not just for adults anymore. Some schools have opened fitness rooms where students exercise and track their progress. Students’ enthusiasm is drawing in parents and community members as well. Included: Fitness rooms in action.
Technology Jump Starts the New Phys Ed
Dodge ball and out-of-shape, whistle-blowing phys ed teachers are becoming mere memories as PE teachers focus on using technology to enhance the health of individual students, according to a major survey.
Teachers Trade Space, Traditional Fixtures for Fitness
Teachers in North Carolina have made room for exercise bikes in their classrooms. Educators in Minnesota use "standing desks" or stability balls in lieu of student chairs. Strategies vary but the objective remains the same -- healthier kids.
Heart Health Programs Move into Schools
Heart disease used to be largely an adult concern, but childhood obesity increased the risk of heart problems among children. The American Heart Association is raising its profile on programs schools can use to help students develop good health habits.
PE Curriculum Jumpstarts an Active Lifestyle
Fishing, cycling, and ping pong may not be expected aspects of the physical education curriculum, but they are up-and-comers. PE is getting a redo, with an eye toward exposing students to the kinds of active games that can be enjoyed throughout life.
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Updated: 01/19/2015