Just think of Principal Ideas as a virtual show-and-tell for principals. Each week in the coming school year we'll present five new principal-tested ideas. Send in your idea today! See the sidebar to learn how to be part of Principal Ideas.
Celebrity Shoe Auction
When some students' need for shoes was discussed at a meeting of the student support committee, I knew immediately what might make a wonderful fundraiser. I have collected autographs for the past 15 years, so I suggested the idea of having a Celebrity Autograph and Shoe Auction, in which celebrities would autograph their shoes and donate them. Then we could auction off the shoes. The money raised would go to a 'shoe fund' to help those kids who needed shoes or other items their families couldn't afford.
Source: Marty Kelsey, A "Signature Event": The Autograph Auction as a School Fundraiser
Scavenger Hunt for New Students
At a day-before-school-opens hot dog roast, sponsored by the PTO, a scavenger hunt is used to introduce new students to the school. Each new child gets a sheet with questions on it. They are teamed with veteran students, who assist them in finding things or locations around the school. At each destination, the new student gets a signature from the staff person in charge of the area. The scavenger hunt is a fun way for new students to tour the school and for staff to meet new students and make them feel comfortable. The student also receives a little prize -- such as a ruler, a sticker, or a pencil -- at each stop.
Source: Marcia Wright, Schools Find Many Ways to Say "Welcome Back"
HOSTS (Helping One Student to Succeed) Volunteer Program
We use parents as one-on-one tutors in our HOSTS (Helping One Student to Succeed) reading program. Parents volunteer at least 30 minutes a week to help the 45 children in the program improve their reading skills.
Source: Bonita Henderson, "Principals Share Parent Involvement ideas " (EducationWorld.com -- February 28, 2000)
Best-Selling Video
Make arrangements to record a video version of a PowerPoint presentation that includes pictures of the students throughout their lives. Sell the video at the graduation ceremony. The proceeds might be used to purchase a class gift for the school or to donate to the graduating class's local charity of choice.
Source: "Make Graduation Day a Special Day Across the Grades" (EducationWorld.com -- May 13, 2003)
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