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Administrators Desk Columnists

The Power Is in You With Carlton Ashby
To kindergarten teacher Carlton Ashby, when it comes to building successful students three key words stand out: relationships, relationships, relationships. Ashby is a frequent speaker on this theme; and in his Education World column, he shares stories about how "EduCarers" work to build relationships.

Somebody Needs You With Larry Bell
An award-winning educator and in-demand speaker, Larry Bell's inspirational messages focus on practical ideas for improving test scores and helping at-promise students achieve success. In each Education World column, Larry presents a new tool or strategy that will help your at-promise students achieve.

Coaching Teachers To Be Leaders With Evelyn Cortez-Ford
Evelyn Cortez-Ford, the founder of School Leadership Coaching, is committed to helping teachers and school administrators develop their full leadership potential. In this series of articles, she takes principals over some of the most common hurdles they encounter as they coach a team of teacher-leaders.

The School Counselor With Leah Davies
Educator and counselor Leah Davies is the creator of the Kelly Bear character building resources for children ages three to nine. In addition, Davies has presented hundreds of workshops at local, state, regional, and national conferences and her articles have been published in dozens of publications.

Always Strive to Be a Better You With Pete Hall
In each monthly column, Pete challenges principals to always strive to be their best. Under Hall's leadership, Anderson Elementary School (Reno, Nevada) has been transformed from a school "in need of improvement" in 2002 to the only Title I school in the state of Nevada to garner a "high achieving" designation in 2004.

BRAVO Principals With Sandra Harris
Sandra Harris is author of BRAVO Principals, published by Eye on Education. BRAVO is an acronym for Building Relationships with Actions that Value Others. Each month, Harris shares a "tactical action" intent on building valued relationships with staff and others in the larger school community.

Looking Forward to Monday Morning With Diane Hodges
An award-winning educator and bestselling author, Dr. Diane Hodges' weekly Looking Forward to Monday Morning columns present a wealth of ideas administrators can use to "drive staff members happy." At national conferences, Diane's high-energy, humorous sessions are always among the most popular ones.

Mr. Ivan, The Principal Poet
Ivan Kershner, known to students and colleagues alike as Mr. Ivan, has been writing poetry for more than 40 years. With titles such as "Bringing Elephants to School," "A Bad Report Card," and "The Week Before Spring Break," Mr. Ivan's poems should ring familiar to all educators.

Pawlas on PR for Principals With George Pawlas
George E. Pawlas is author of The Administrator's Guide to School-Community Relations. Each month he shares ideas that will help principals as they create successful school communications plans, enhance family involvement, develop partnerships in the community, and deal with crisis situations.

Peek's Perspective on Grant Writing With Don Peek
Don Peek is a former educator who now runs The School Funding Center, a company that provides grant information and grant-writing services to schools. The School Funding Center Grant Database contains more than 110,000 grant opportunities worth more than $6.5 billion.

Young @ Heart With Paul Young
Paul Youngs unique perspective on school leadership make him an eminently qualified cheerleader for the principalship. Young is a former National Principal of the Year, former president of the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and author of books on the role of the principal and on the mentoring new principals.


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