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Leah Davies

Leah Davies

The Teacher Counselor


Educator and counselor Leah Davies is the creator of the Kelly Bear character building resources for children ages three to nine. In addition, Davies has presented hundreds of workshops at local, state, regional, and national conferences and her articles have been published in The American School Counseling Association Counselor, Elementary School Guidance and Counseling Journal, The School Counselor, and Early Childhood News, to name just a few publications.

Buddy Programs for Elementary Schools
Many schools employ "buddy programs" in which upper-grade students read or complete projects with younger children. Such programs teach skills such as taking turns, listening, and praising others' efforts. Included: Tips for starting a program, buddy activities, more.

Effective Praise
Effective praise focuses on a child's effort rather than on what is actually accomplished. When educators give genuine praise that is specific, spontaneous, and well-deserved, it encourages continuous learning. Included: Tips for giving praise.

Encouraging Thoughts
Teachers and parents are expected to encourage children by acknowledging their efforts and strengths. However, when children do not feel good about themselves, they need to be reminded of ways they can encourage themselves and each other.

Enrichment Activities for Children
Schools have an opportunity to enhance children's social and emotional growth as well as their academic knowledge. These activities will help foster self-understanding, positive peer interaction, initiative, and learning. Included: The "Me Collage," identifying strengths, and more.

52 Character Building Thoughts for Children
These statements may be used in a variety of ways. Teachers might post a new statement each week to use as a discussion starter. Each day, give students an opportunity to share ways in which the thought applies to their lives. Included: A statement a week.

Games for Elementary Classrooms
Many educators understand the value of using games to help children reenergize and focus on learning, as well as to reward them for hard work. Included: Eight popular games.

Instilling Perseverance in Children
Albert Einstein once said, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." Working through challenges when the going gets rough is a life skill that teachers can teach. Included: More than ten activities for teaching about perseverance.

Movement Activities for Elementary Classrooms
Movement activities planned intermittently throughout the day can help children maintain focus on their schoolwork and reenergize themselves. Many teachers wisely initiate such activities, especially during classroom transitions. Included: More than ten activities.

Perfectionism in Children
Some children with perfectionist tendencies set standards so high that they are unable to glean satisfaction from their efforts. Teachers can help perfectionists (and their parents) understand their perfectionism and put it in a more realistic perspective.

Rewards in the Classroom
Even though children who enter school are often inclined to be either intrinsically or extrinsically motivated, a worthwhile goal for educators is to foster intrinsic motivation in children. Included: Tips for building students' intrinsic motivation.

Solutions Through Peer Mediation
Peer mediation programs offer schools an alternative to traditional disciplinary practices. The goal of such programs is to reduce conflict and provide children with problem-solving skills. Included: Program models, training, and procedures.

Ten Ways to Involve Fathers in Their Children's Education
Parent involvement in schools has traditionally been carried out by mothers. Yet boys and girls need positive male role models too. When fathers take an active role in education, schools report an increase in student achievement. Included: Tips for involving fathers.

25 Ways to Gain Children's Attention
Teachers use many approaches to gain students' undivided attention and create an atmosphere conducive to learning. These 25 simple approaches are sure to help you gain attention in a calm, quiet way. The key is to teach and practice the approach early in the school year.

All articles by Leah Davies, M.Ed.
Reprinted with permission from the
Kelly Bear Web site,

Last updated 09/22/2008