If you're looking for an idea to Wow! students -- or parents, you'll find it here. These teacher-tested ideas include learning projects, inspiring lessons, fun work sheets, learning games, parent involvement ideas, and much more.
Student Researchers
Students conduct research on questions that cannot be answered in class.
Youve Got Mail
Students exchange notes to learn spelling, grammar, punctuation, and more.
Relating School to Work
Vocabulary connects what students do in the classroom to their future world of work.
Parent Notebooks
Parent notebooks improve school-home communication.
Stay Germ Free!
Never touch a student's pencil!
Quick on the Draw
Prize-drawings provide motivation, inspiration.
Covering Keyboards
Busy fingers feel the difference.
Wearable Concepts
"Magic Moment" t-shirts reinforce new concepts.
Reduce Stress with Humor
Sharpening pencils and wits!
The Daily News
What did you do in school today?
Write Your Own Life
Students reflect on their hopes and dreams.
E-mail Journals
E-mail journals develop language, computer skills.
Using Every-Day Edits
Fun worksheets provide lessons, review, test prep.
Do I Know You?
Connect with every student every day.
Hats Off to Readers!
They wear what they read.
Glue-some Images
Mounting and preserving student art.
Smiles and Frowns
Kids rate their understanding of assignments.
The Silence Game
Bet they can't be quiet!
A Penny for Luck
What's a penny worth?
Student Teacher Shower
Send your student teacher off in style.
Scavenger Hunt Review
Try this great end-of-year review activity.
Using Mnemonics
Does McDonald's Sell CheeseBurgers? Does 65 go into 490 evenly?
A K-12 bookend activity.
The Importance of Listening
A game teaching students how to listen and think.
Handprints Across the World
Students celebrate and share their cultures.
Review on the Fly
Take a swat at this fun review activity.
Two Cents Worth of Sense
Students add their "two cents worth" to class discussions.
Self-Designed Homework
Self-designed activities require thought and creativity.
Up Their Organization
Helping students get organized.
Prop Boxes
Spark imagination and promote exploration.
Reciprocal Journal
Encourage creativity, communication, parent involvement.
Admit and Exit Slips
Add structure and focus to your lessons.
Calendar Art
Calendars showcase a year of art.
Writing Memory Books
Remembering the year in words and pictures.
Capture Classroom Memories
Photographs engage kids, involve parents.
In a Million Words or Fewer
Please tell us about your child!
The Time Capsule
A lesson in making friends, sharing expectations, and setting and meeting goals.
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