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Best Idea Ever: H.O.T. Drawing Jar



Education World's Best Idea Ever feature highlights a favorite teacher-tested idea designed to help you teach a lesson, manage a classroom, communicate with parents, impress colleagues and administrators—and amaze them all with your energy and creativity! 


When I was teaching, I called this idea the H.O.T.—Homework On Time—drawing. Students who turned in their homework on time put their names in a jar and were eligible for a drawing. Now that I'm retired and subbing, I use the jar idea throughout the day for whatever need arises. In the morning, I explain to students that I'll be drawing names throughout the day and awarding small prizes—edible treats or little trinkets, pencils, erasers—to those whose names I select. I point out that the more times a name is in the jar, the better chance it has of being drawn. So, if students need speeding up, I might say "put your name in the jar when you finish." If the classroom is messy, I might have students whose areas are clean put their names in the jar. In fact, the possibilities are endless!


Submitted by: Mary Seitz

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