Just think of Principal Ideas as a virtual show-and-tell for principals. Each week in the coming school year we'll present four or five new principal-tested ideas. Send in your idea today! See the sidebar to learn how to be part of Principal Ideas.
Golden Garbage Can
Our custodian chooses the class with the cleanest room each week and bestows on them the Golden Garbage Can. The class displays (and uses) the honored can for the week they have it -- until they have to give it up to the next winning classroom. (Or will they keep it for two weeks in a row?)
Thanks for this idea go to Doreen Harris, Stewartsville Elementary School, North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Were on the Fast Track
We used a racing theme as our staff theme this year. It is an appropriate theme because we are always racing around and we are on the fast track to success. NASCAR racers are sponsored by various businesses (for example, Home Depot, Pepsi). Each month we feature a different driver, car, and sponsor. Teachers fill in a racing pit pass that shares how they survived in the trenches during the month. The thoughts shared provide helpful tips for making it to the finish line as they illustrate how we are all winners. We hold a drawing each month: we draw pit passes for prizes related to the driver, his/her car, or sponsor.
Thanks for this idea go to Debbie Morris, GSL Elementary Schools, Glencoe-Silver Lake, Minnesota
Behavior Bucks
Each week, I share during announcements our character-related word of the week. All week long, teachers give students Hawkins Bucks (named for our school social worker, Mrs. Hawkins) for exhibiting that character trait. Students can bring their bucks to Mrs. Hawkins to redeem them for prizes.
Thanks for this idea go to Zenna Smith, Palestine-Wheatley Elementary School, Palestine, Arkansas
Staff on Display
Each of our teachers creates a tri-fold display board (similar to the type you might see at a science fair) about themselves.
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