Just think of Principal Ideas as a virtual show-and-tell for principals. Each week in the coming school year we'll present four or five new principal-tested ideas. Send in your idea today! See the sidebar to learn how to be part of Principal Ideas.
Attendance Olympics
To improve attendance in our school, which is located in an area where 94% of students live below the poverty level, we created an attendance incentive based on the Olympic Games. Students have the opportunity to earn medals each month: They earn
On-Time Drawing
Before each staff meeting, I do an on-time drawing. Teachers who are on time put their names in a hat. I draw three names at each staff meeting. Those teachers whose names are drawn receive a Principal Coupon. Since free time and chocolate seem to be almost universal teacher favorites, the Coupon can be exchanged for 30 minutes of coverage (by me) for their class or chocolate.
Thanks for this idea go to Mary Lou Woody, Cape Horn-Skye Elementary School, Washougal, Washington
Family Tree
Builds Vocabulary
In our school cafeteria, we have a Selser School Family Tree. All students and staff are pictured on a branch, organized by grade level and class. As we announce our Word of the Week, we write that word on a leaf and post the leaf word card in the wall area that surrounds our family tree. We now have three years of Word of the Week words surrounding our tree.
Thanks for this idea go to Irene Lemieux, Selser Elementary School, Chicopee, Massachusetts
Stuff a Bus
At Thanksgiving time, our school collects food for our communitys Food Shelf program, which provides assistance to about 240 families a month. A small bus is parked in front of the school and students bring in bags of food to stuff the bus. At the end of the week the bus is driven to the Food Shelf.
Thanks for this idea go to Risa M. Mancillas, Northfield Elementary School, Northfield, Vermont
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