Lesson Plan: Baseball (Math - Grade 1)

Subject: Math
Grade: 1
Lesson Objective: To tell time to the hour and half-hour
Common Core Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.MD.B.3- Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
- Why are there different hands on a clock? (Allow the students to answer.)
- One of the hands on a clock is the minute hand and one is the hour hand. We use the hands on the clock to show us what time it is. The type of clock that has hands on it is called an analog clock.
- We need clocks so that we know what time it is. Being able to tell time is important because we need to know when to do certain things.
- If you did not know what time it was, you would never get anywhere on time. You would not know when to leave to go to school or when to go home from school.
- You told me that one hand on the clock is the minute hand and one is the hour hand. How do you know which hand is which? (Allow the students to answer.)
- The longer hand is the minute hand and the shorter hand is the hour hand. When reading an analog clock, you first look at the hour hand to see what number it is pointing toward. You then look at the minute hand.
- When the minute hand is pointing toward the 12 at the top, there are no minutes. If the hour hand was pointing to the 5 and the minute hand was pointing to the 12, it would be 5:00. (Drawing this on the board would be very helpful)
- When the minute hand is pointing toward the 6 at the bottom, there are 30 minutes. If the hour hand was pointing to the 5 and the minute hand was pointing to the 6, it would be 5:30. (Drawing this on the board would be very helpful)
- Today, you are going to be telling time.
- You will look at the clock and then write down what time it says.
- Does anyone have any questions?
- Who would like to share your answers? (Allow the students to share.)
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Written by Kimberly Greacen, Education World® Contributing Writer
Kimberly is an educator with extensive experience in curriculum writing and developing instructional materials to align with Common Core State Standards and Bloom's Taxonomy.
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