Select a timely Writing Bug by clicking one of the months below. Or click the Anytime Writing Bugs link for dozens of lesson ideas that are good all year round.
January Writing Bugs
February Writing Bugs
March Writing Bugs
April Writing Bugs
May Writing Bugs
Summer Writing Bugs
September Writing Bugs
October Writing Bugs
November Writing Bugs
December Writing Bugs
Anytime Writing Bugs
Let It Snow!
Describe snow to someone who has never seen snow.
Going for the Goal
Write about a specific goal you would like to achieve in the year ahead.
An Interview With a President
If you could interview any U.S. president, which one would you choose?
Your Luck's About to Turn
Do you think hard work and planning are more powerful than luck?
Good and Good For You
Why is it important to eat healthy foods?
Famous Women
Who is a famous woman you admire and why?
Spring is Here
Notice the changes happening in your neighborhood.
From Seed to Plant
Tell what you know about how a seed becomes a plant.
Neighborhood Plants
What's growing near your home?
What's Hatching?
Think about different kinds of eggs and the animals that hatch out of them.
Take Care of the Earth
On Earth Day or any day, think about what you can do to protect the planet.
Unique Pet
If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?
School Pride
What is your school most known for?
How Tech Helps
How has technology helped you learn?
Jump Around
What are some fun ways to remain physically active?
Mission Accomplished
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Dear Veteran
Write a letter to a veteran in your city or town who served in a war.
Moving On Up!
What advice would you give kids who soon will be starting the grade you are now completing?
My Best Teacher Ever
Before this year, which teacher was your favorite teacher? Write a short letter to that teacher.
Summer Camp Mystery
Imagine a mystery you would investigate at camp.
What Independence Means to Me (July 4)
Write a letter to a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Best Summer Books
Share your list of favorite summer reads.
If Seashells Could Talk
Imagine your life as a seashell on the beach.
Having a Great Time! Wish You Were Here!
Imagine you are on your dream vacation.
Going for the Goal
Write about a specific goal you would like to achieve in the year ahead.
New in School
It's the day before your first day in a new school. You're thinking about...
September 11: One Year Later
Students take a few minutes to reflect on the events of September 11, 2001.
A Halloween Who, When, Where
Choose from each category, then write a scary story.
A Noise in the Night
I heard a noise. It might have been the wind knocking a tree branch against the house or...
A Halloween to Remember
You will never believe what had just happened to me...
An Interview With a President
If you could interview any U.S. president, which one would you choose?
Each Person Is
What does this Native American proverb mean to you?
Dear Veteran
Write a letter to a veteran in your city or town who served in a war.
Giving Thanks
Three things I am most thankful for are...
A Turkey's Last Plea
If you were a turkey, what would you say to convince someone not to cook you for Thanksgiving dinner?
Helpful Holidays
This holiday season I plan to do something helpful to others. My plan is...
The New Twelve Days of Christmas
What if you could rewrite "The Twelve Days of Christmas"?
Name That Tune
Write new holiday lyrics for a familiar tune.
Trying New Things
What was something new that you've tried recently?
Unique Families
What makes your family unique?
Your Favorite Music
What is the kind of music you listen to most often?
Your Favorite Movie
What is your favorite film of all time?
The Perfect Meal
What is your favorite meal?
New Kid in School
What are some ways to welcome a new student to your school?
Learning a New Language
What new language would you most like to learn?
Neighborhood Fun
What fun event or activity happens in your neighborhood?
Living Without Technology
What piece of technology would be hardest to live without?
Staying Organized
What are some methods for getting and staying organized?
The Perfect Homework Assignment
What would be your perfect assignment and why?
The Facebook Revolution
How has Facebook changed the world?
Staying Drug Free
Look at why it's important to say no to drugs.
The Dinner Guest
Who would you like to have dinner with, and why?
Celebrate Diversity
Embrace the differences of everyone in class.
Get Better Grades
Explore ways students can perform better in school with this Writing Bug.
A Fond Farewell
Your best friend is moving to another state.
Inquiring Minds Want to Know -- Number 8
Be a tabloid news reporter.
Genie in a Bottle
You're cleaning the basement, and you find a strange-looking bottle.
My Proudest Moment
My proudest moment was the time I...
A Seasonal Story
Spring, summer, fall or winter -- which season do you like best? Least?
A Foreign Change
You have the chance to live in another country. Where would you live?
A Friendly Poem
Write a poem about your best friend using all the letters in his or her name.
Future Careers
If I could try three careers in the future, I would try...
The Funniest Thing I Ever Saw
The funniest thing I ever saw was...
A Fitting Tribute
Write about a person who is no longer living but who touched your life.
Is Experience the Best Teacher?
What does the proverb "Experience is the best teacher" mean to you?
A Random Act of Kindness
Tell about a time when you were kind to someone.
A Noise in the Attic
When I was lying in bed last night, I heard footsteps in the attic. I...
Inquiring Minds Want to Know -- Number 7
Be a tabloid news reporter.
The Best Song Ever
My favorite song of all time is __________.
A Backward Day
Write a story about what you did yesterday. Here's the twist! Reverse the order of events.
Well Done, Well Said
Reflect on a quote from Benjamin Franklin.
Room Makeover
You have the chance to make over a room in your home.
What Would You Do?
You see a classmate being bullied. What would you do?
Principal for a Week!
If I were the principal of my school for one week, I would...
Oldest Person Alive!
You are the oldest person in the world. What kind of life have you lived?
A New Video Game
You've designed a new video game for kids. What is it like?
A New Holiday
Create a brand new holiday celebration.
Food Ad
Create an ad that will entice people to try the food that you like the most.
A Most Embarrassing Moment
The most embarrassing moment I remember was the time...
Writing Is Hard Work
A famous author once said, "The wastebasket is a writer's best friend." Was he right?