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Lesson Plan: Migration (Math - Grade 1)

Subject:  Math

Grade: 1

Lesson Objective: To compare two digit numbers based on tens and ones

Common Core StandardCCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.NBT.B.3- Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.




  • What does it mean to compare numbers?  (Allow the students to answer.)



  • There are many different ways that you could compare numbers.  You could look at the numbers to see what numbers they are made of and if they have any numbers that are the same.  For example, (write on the board) let’s look at the numbers the numbers 47 and 74.  You can see that they both have a 7 and a 4 in them.
  • You could look at the numbers to see if they are equal, which means that they are the same number.  For example, (write on the board) let’s look at the numbers 13 and 13.  You can see that they are the same number, which means that they are equal.
  • You could look at the numbers to see if one is bigger or one is smaller.  For example, (write on the board), let’s look at the numbers 3 and 9.  Which number is bigger?  The number 9 is bigger and the number 3 is smaller.
  • Today, you are going to be comparing numbers.  You will need to look at them to figure out if they are bigger, smaller or equal.
  • When we compare numbers, we need to look at the tens place and the ones place.  The first thing you do is look at the tens place.  Let’s look at 47 and 74 again.  You can see that in the number 47, the 4 is in the tens place.  You can see that in the number 74, the 7 is in the tens place.  Which number is bigger?  (Allow the students to answer.) 
  • The 7 in 74 is bigger, which means that it has more tens than 47.  That means that 74 is bigger.  If you compare two numbers that have the same number in the tens place, then you compare the ones.  Whichever number has the bigger number in the ones place is the bigger number.
  • There are symbols you need to use to compare numbers.  The opening of this symbol (write on the board) < > faces the number that is bigger like it wants to eat it.  = is for numbers that are equal.  (Write these examples on the board: 9 > 3  and 3 < 9)
  • Does anyone have any questions?



  • Who would like to share your answers?  (Allow the students to share.)

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Written by Kimberly Greacen, Education World® Contributing Writer

Kimberly is an educator with extensive experience in curriculum writing and developing instructional materials to align with Common Core State Standards and Bloom's Taxonomy.

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