Lesson Plan: Stars (Writing - GR 1)

Subject: Writing
Grade: 1
Lesson Objective: To write a narrative about star gazing
Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.3- Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
- Where is your favorite place to look at stars? (Allow the students to answer.)
- There are so many different places that we could go to look at stars. Some people like to look at stars outside, some people like to look at stars from inside, some people use a telescope or binoculars, some people like to look at stars in the summer and some people like to look at stars in the winter.
- What do you do to get ready to look at the stars? (Allow the students to answer.)
- Many of you collect a blanket, smacks, telescope or binoculars to get ready.
- What do you do once you are looking at the stars? (Allow the students to answer.)
- Looking at stars with someone else and talking about and pointing out what you see is a lot of fun.
- Today, you are going to be writing about a time that you looked at the stars. If you have never looked at the stars, write about how you would like to look at the stars.
- When you write, you will write about what you do to get ready, what you bring outside with you, and what you do or who you are with while you are looking at the stars.
- For example, “I look at stars in the summer. I bring a blanket outside with me. I like to look at stars with my mom and brother.” (Write this on the board for the students to see)
- I would like you to think about when you look at the stars, what you do to get ready and who you look at stars with or what you do while you are looking at stars. Raise your hand if you know. Great! You will now start writing.
- Does anyone have any questions?
- Who would like to share what you wrote? (Allow the students to share.)
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Written by Kimberly Greacen, Education World® Contributing Writer
Kimberly is an educator with extensive experience in curriculum writing and developing instructional materials to align with Common Core State Standards and Bloom's Taxonomy.
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