Lesson Plan: Football (Gr1)

Subject: Social Studies
Grade: 1
Lesson Objective: To learn about football and answer questions
Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.1.1- Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
- Do you know when football started being played? (Allow the students to answer.)
- Have you ever made up a game? Making up games is so much fun! Did you know that football started as a combination of two other sports. This means that players took parts of two different sports and put them together to come up with football. Can anyone guess what those sports were? (Allow the students to answer.)
- The two sports that were used to create football were soccer and rugby.
- Many of you may play or watch football, so you might know about it. Does anyone know how many points a team gets when they score? (Allow the students to answer.)
- That’s right. A team gets 6 points when they score. They can then try to kick a field goal for another point. A field goal is when the football is kicked through a goal post.
- There are many different players on a football team. The player who throws the ball is called the quarterback. The players who run and try to catch the ball are called receivers. The players who try to stop the other team are called defensive players.
- Football is a sport where there is a lot of pushing, shoving and crashing into other players.
- We are going to read about football. I am going to give you a worksheet. I will read about football and you should follow along. Then, you are then going to answer questions about what you have read. (Read the paragraphs about football to the students. Read the questions to them as well.)
- Does anyone have any questions?
- Who would like to share your answers? (Allow the students to share)
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Written by Kimberly Greacen, Education World® Contributing Writer
Kimberly is an educator with extensive experience in curriculum writing and developing instructional materials to align with Common Core State Standards and Bloom's Taxonomy.
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