Story Maps and Boxes 06/28/2001
[ Language Arts, Literature, Reading | Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Patricia A. Fry ]
Patricia A. Fry, a teacher at Templeton Middle School in Sussex, Wisconsin, submitted this week's lesson that has students creating story maps to share information about books they have read.
Communication Comparisons 06/20/2001
[ World History, Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by VaReane Heese ]
VaReane Heese, a teacher at Springfield (Nebraska) Elementary School submitted this week's lesson in which students use online and print resources to research different methods of communication, use graphic organizers to compare the methods, and share their findings with classmates.
Use Boolean Search Terms to Shorten Web Searches 05/09/2001
[ Algebra, Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Advanced | Submitted by Mary Carter ]
VaReane Heese, who submitted this week's lesson, teaches at Springfield Elementary School in Springfield, Nebraska. Students learn to use Boolean search terms and make Web searching more efficient.
Watch The Birdie 04/18/2001
[ Language Arts | Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Mary Carter ]
Mary Carter, a teacher at East Middle School in Youngstown, Ohio, submitted this week's lesson, which has students completing a unit of activities about birds.

Yummy Venn Diagrams02/22/01
[ Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Joe Kirstein ]
Try a fun writing activity using cookies and crackers!
The "Me" Quilt 10/23/2000
[ Foreign Language, Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Judith Rohlf ]
In this semi-glyph activity, students share their interests and characteristics by making patches about themselves. The patches are then pieced together to make a class quilt for a wall or bulletin board. The quilt serves as a jumping stone for many other activities.
Create - A - Story 10/23/2000
[ Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Miriam Arvinger ]
Students use characters, settings, and plots to write original stories.
On the Track With NASCAR 10/23/2000
[ Language Arts, Applied Math | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by VaReane Heese ]
Students will learn about stock car racing while developing skills in language and math.
Baseball Fact or Fiction 07/31/00
[ Literature, Ed. Technology | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Cheryl Sexstella-Wright ]
Students learn about the history of baseball while incorporating computer skills, reading skills, and writing abilities.

Create Your Own Business! 07/27/2000
[ Language Arts, Economics | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Clyde Winters ]
In this lesson students learn how to work in cooperative
groups to create their own businesses.

What's All the Fuss About Harry Potter? 07/20/2000
[ Ed and Technology, Literature, Special Education | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Brenda McPherson-Fry ]
Students discuss what makes the Harry Potter books popular and/or controversial, create a questionnaire to learn why Harry Potter fans find the books fascinating, practice online writing skills by sending e-mail messages to friends who are Harry Potter fans, and write a screenplay based on a selected chapter of a Harry Potter book.

Peanut Butter and Details 06/29/00
[ Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 |Erin Braslawsky ]
Each student will write the directions for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and ask another student to follow the directions and make the sandwich.
King Tutankhamun: Was It Murder? 05/25/2000
[ Ed Technology, World History, Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Madeleine Decker ]
This WebQuest is designed to engage students in Internet research while learning about the history of ancient Egypt. Students will read, take notes, and answer questions about a linked site. They share this information with their cooperative group and develop an essay or modify to create a PowerPoint about the results of their investigation.
Awesome Adjectives Postcards 05/09/2000
[ Language Arts, Geography| Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Mitzi L. Vicars ]
Students create a postcard by illustrating a place they would like to visit and using ten adjectives in a short message describing the pictures.

What's Happening? 05/09/2000
[ Foreign Language, Language Arts, Gifted and Talented| Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Debbie Brown ]
Students play a grammar game in which they practice using verbs and adverbs. Younger students can play the game to learn to identify verbs and adverbs in English. Older students might play the game to practice using verbs and adverbs in a foreign language.

What's Black and White and Read Later? 10/05/2000
[ Language Arts, History, Ed Technology | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Denise Dejonghe]
Students learn what makes "lasting news" as they work in groups to create a newspaper about the year in which they were born (1986, 1987, or 1988).

And the Streets Are Paved With Gold 09/28/2000
[ Language Arts, American History | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Brenda Dyck]
Using the links provided, students explore the immigrant experience at Ellis Island, New York, at the turn of the century, and answer questions that challenge them to use thinking skills from various levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Web Trails: An Online Adventure 03/22/2000
[ Language Arts, Ed. Tech., Geography | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Kelly Ickes ]
Students research Iowa's parks and trails, plan a day trip to one of the places they learn about, and write a fiction story based on the information they find.
Summer Shorts 03/22/2000
[ Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Patricia Fry ]
Students write personal narratives about their summer vacations and present them with a new twist!
Visual Poetry Lets Students 'See' the Words 03/20/2000
[ Language Arts, Fine Arts | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by LuAnn Kaiser ]
In this lesson students create slides depicting visual images in a poem.
Welcome to My Community! 03/02/2000
[ Language Arts, Social Studies | Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Tasha Noe ]
Students create a "Welcome to Our Community" brochure to display in the classroom.
How Are You Doing With My Crusade? (Women's History) 03/06/2000
[ Language Arts, Social Studies | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Terrie Lynn Bittner ]
Students learn about women who fought for change and explore the current status of the battles they fought.
Create a Living Museum 02/28/2000
[ Language Arts, Social Sciences, Visual Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Sharon Sumner ]
Students research famous people from Missouri, or from their own state, and share the information
by portraying that person in a "living museum."
In Other Words: Using a Thesaurus 12/27/1999
[ Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Cynthia H. Lynch ]
This lesson is a learning center activity to reinforce lessons on using a thesaurus and on synonyms.
Web Adventure -- Oakland to Chicago Flight 05/31/2001
[ Math | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Caryn Long ]
Take off with an exciting online math lesson!
Use Boolean Search Terms to Shorten Web Searches 05/09/2001
[ Algebra, Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Advanced | Submitted by Mary Carter ]
VaReane Heese, who submitted this week's lesson, teaches at Springfield Elementary School in Springfield, Nebraska. Students learn to use Boolean search terms and make Web searching more efficient.
Easy as Pi!
[ Geometry, Measurement | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Brenda Lium ]
Brenda Lium, who teaches at Agassiz Middle School, in Fargo, North Dakota, submitted this week's lesson. Students find circular objects and then use the objects to find the pattern of pi.
On the Track With NASCAR
[ Language Arts, Applied Math | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by VaReane Heese ]
Students will learn about stock car racing while developing skills in language and math.
Seeds of Life
[ Agriculture, Applied Math | Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Debbie DeBartolo ]
Teacher makes charts labeled with the names of various fruits and vegetables in each square. Students glue real seeds for those fruits and vegetables in the correct squares.
Birds, Fractions and Percentages
[ Mathematics, Science, Vocational Ed. | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Regina Marsters ]
Students learn fractions and percentages in real-life applications.
Introduction to Fractions
[ Arithmetic, Special Ed | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Mimi Weitz ]
This is a lesson I use to introduce fractions to learning disabled students. It can also be used for younger grades.

Menu Madness03/21/01
[ Exercise and Movement, Nutrition, Our Bodies | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Kimberly Emanuel ]
Students learn fast facts about fast food!
Apache Ball 03/02/2000
[ Games, Team Sports | Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Dino Michetti ]
Students play a game of dodge ball in which the object of the game is to eliminate the other team. In this activity, students work on throwing, catching, dodging, and aiming skills as they practice teamwork.
Pokemon Are Smart and Healthy 3/22/2000
[ Games, Math | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Janelle Schumacher ]
Students play a dodge-ball type game as they perform a number of mental and physical challenges.
It's 'ELEMENT' ary 05/02/2001
[ Science, Ed. Technology, Vocational Ed, Computers | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Nisa Peek]
Nisa Peek, who teaches at Hickory Middle School in Chesapeake, Virginia, submitted this week's lesson. Students use technology to study the periodic table of elements.
Aquatic Safari04/11/2001
[ Animals | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Kimberly Emanuel ]
Students use an Internet Web site to locate the scientific information about various marine species.

Menu Madness 03/21/01
[ Exercise and Movement, Nutrition, Our Bodies | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Kimberly Emanuel ]
Students learn fast facts about fast food!
Seeds of Life 10/23/2000
[ Agriculture, Applied Math | Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Debbie DeBartolo ]
Teacher makes charts labeled with the names of various fruits and vegetables in each square. Students glue real seeds for those fruits and vegetables in the correct squares.
Birds, Fractions and Percentages 07/31/00
[ Mathematics, Science, Vocational Ed. | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Regina Marsters ]
Students learn fractions and percentages in real-life applications.
A is for .... 06/23/00
[ Science Process Skills | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Heather Puhl ]
In this lesson, students will be able to understand the difference between making an observation and an inference.
A Model of Earth's Atmosphere 05/25/2000
[ Space Science | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Kristin Mason ]
Students make a model of the four layers of Earth's atmosphere that represents the characteristics of each layer.
An Intuitive Introduction to Density 05/05/2000
[ Chemistry | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Sulan Dun]
Students participate in hands on activities demonstrating the formula density=mass/volume.
Life on Mars 05/01/2000
[ Science | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by VaReane Heese ]
Students work in teams to investigate and debate the possibility of transforming Mars so that the planet can sustain life again.
Solve a Problem; Build a Boat - 6/01/00
[ Psychology, Science | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Sherrell Bailey ]
Students build a boat that will float and hold as many pennies as possible, then discuss the process of building the boat and relate the experience to experiences they encounter in life.
Ecosystems Online 03/22/2000
[ Science, Ed. Tech. | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Dr. Pelham Mead ]
In this multi-media lesson, students create a Web site about ecosystems.
Reading Without Seeing: Louis Braille and the Braille Alphabet 03/02/2000
[ Special Education, History | Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by VaReane Heese ]
In this lesson, students explore the Braille alphabet and the contributions Louis Braille made to society.
Bug - O 12/27/1999
[ Life Science, Nutrition, Special Ed | Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Sue Palkendo ]
Students will learn about different kinds of bugs by constructing their own game sheet. After playing the Bug - O game, they will prepare "Bug" snacks.
Communication Comparisons 06/20/2001
[ World History, Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by VaReane Heese ]
VaReane Heese, a teacher at Springfield (Nebraska) Elementary School submitted this week's lesson in which students use online and print resources to research different methods of communication, use graphic organizers to compare the methods, and share their findings with classmates.

Opinion Articles 06/06/2001
[ Current Events, Technology | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Lisa Nash ]
Lisa Nash, who teaches at Hunter Elementary School in Brownstown, Michigan, submitted this week's lesson. Students research newspaper topics and write opinion articles in newspaper-style format!
Investigating World Cultures 03/09/2001
[ Geography, Technology | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by David Anderson ]
Students work in groups to write research reports and create visuals about countries, put on a culture fair, and use PowerPoint to present their information.

The African American Experience: A Research Quilt 10/12/2000
[ Visual Arts, Regions and Cultures, Gifted and Talented | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Kimberly Emanuel ]
This activity will introduce students to the research process while investigating the contributions of key African American leaders in the 1900s. Students will construct a quilt highlighting the achievements of each individual and present this quilt to the community.
King Tutankhamun: Was It Murder? 05/25/2000
[ Ed Technology, World History, Language Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Madeleine Decker ]
This WebQuest is designed to engage students in Internet research while learning about the history of ancient Egypt. Students will read, take notes, and answer questions about a linked site. They share this information with their cooperative group and develop an essay or modify to create a PowerPoint about the results of their investigation.
Awesome Adjectives Postcards 05/09/2000
[ Language Arts, Geography| Grades 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Mitzi L. Vicars ]
Students create a postcard by illustrating a place they would like to visit and using ten adjectives in a short message describing the pictures.
Building A Better Boat - 3/22/00
[ Psychology, Science | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Sherrell Bailey ]
Students build a boat that will float and hold as many pennies as possible, then discuss the process of building the boat and relate the experience to experiences they encounter in life.
It's a Puzzle! 05/05/2000
[ Ed Technology, Social Studies, Special Ed | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Heidi Slavin]
Students put together puzzles created from pictures of items related to current courses of study.

What's Black and White and Read Later? 10/05/2000
[ Language Arts, History, Ed Technology | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Denise Dejonghe]
Students learn what makes "lasting news" as they work in groups to create a newspaper about the year in which they were born (1986, 1987, or 1988).

And the Streets Are Paved With Gold 09/28/2000
[ Language Arts, American History | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Brenda Dyck]
Using the links provided, students explore the immigrant experience at Ellis Island, New York, at the turn of the century, and answer questions that challenge them to use thinking skills from various levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Make a Great Web Page! 05/05/2000
[ Social Studies, Ed. Technology | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Thomas R. Brown]
Students and teachers learn how to make a Web page.
Web Trails: An Online Adventure 03/22/2000
[ Language Arts, Ed. Tech., Geography | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Kelly Ickes ]
Students research Iowa's parks and trails, plan a day trip to one of the places they learn about, and write a fiction story based on the information they find.
Underground Rails: The New York City Subway System 03/22/2000
[ Social Studies, History | Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Raymundo V. De Jesus ]
Students explore the New York City subway system as a link to the people and places of New York City.
Welcome to My Community! 03/02/2000
[ Language Arts, Social Studies, | Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 | Submitted by Tasha Noe ]
Students create a "Welcome to Our Community" brochure to display in the classroom.
A Walk Through the 20th Century 03/02/2000
[ Literature, Geography, History | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Tammy Bunton ]
Each student reviews the people, places, and events of a particular decade of the 20th Century, writes a report about that decade, and creates a booth of memorabilia, music, dress, pictures and other artifacts representing the time period. Students share their booths with their classmates, and then invite the entire school to a "Celebration of the 20th Century."
It's a Puzzle! 05/05/2000
[ Ed Technology, Social Studies, Special Ed | Grades 6-8 | Submitted by Heidi Slavin]
Students put together puzzles created from pictures of items related to current courses of study.

The African American Experience: A Research Quilt 10/12/2000
[ Visual Arts, Regions and Cultures, Gifted and Talented | Grades 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Kimberly Emanuel ]
This activity will introduce students to the research process while investigating the contributions of key African American leaders in the 1900s. Students will construct a quilt highlighting the achievements of each individual and present this quilt to the community.
Tapestry in the Middle Ages 03/22/2000
[ Art History, Visual Arts | Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 | Submitted by Ashlynn J. Neel ]
Students learn about the use of tapestry in the Middle Ages and then weave their own tapestry.