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As our highlighted lesson, the submitter was awarded a $50 honorarium. See our guidelines to submit yours!

Winning Lesson Plan
What's Happening?


Subject: Language Arts
Grade: 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12

Brief Description

Students play a grammar game in which they practice using verbs and adverbs. Younger students can play the game to learn to identify verbs and adverbs in English. Older students might play the game to practice using verbs and adverbs in a foreign language.


Students learn to identify "action" verbs, adverbs, and adverb phrases through usage.

Key Concepts

grammar games, parts of speech, games

Materials Needed



Lesson Plan

One student is chosen to be "It" and steps outside or puts his or her head down on a desk. The remaining students select an action word, such as study or fly. "It" tries to guess the action word by asking questions substituting the word coffeepot wherever a verb would appear.

For example, "It" might ask questions such as Why do you coffeepot? When do you coffeepot? How do you coffeepot? Where do you coffeepot? How long do you coffeepot? How often do you coffeepot? Do you coffeepot by yourself? Can you coffeepot your dog? Do you coffeepot with your friends or parents? Do you coffeepot in a group? Do you need special equipment for coffee-potting? The other students answer with clues that are deliberately evasive but true. When "It" identifies the mystery action word, another person becomes It and the game continues.

Activity Time



Students take a quiz and identify verbs and their modifiers or modifying phrases in sentences.


Lesson Plan Source


Debbie Brown, who teaches foreign languages at St. Augustine High School in St. Augustine, Florida, submitted this week's lesson, a grammar game using action words.

Debbie Brown, ([email protected]) St. Augustine High School, St. Augustine, Florida.

As our highlighted lesson, the submitter was awarded a $50 honorarium. See our guidelines to submit yours!


DATE 05/17/2000