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Welcome to Education World's Lesson Plan Submittal page. Thank you for your interest in contributing to our collection and for sharing your lesson plans with teachers around the globe. Please carefully read the guidelines below before submitting your lesson plan.

  • Education World evaluates all lesson plans submitted for quality and appropriateness. All lesson plans are copy-edited before being posted to the site.
  • A $50 S&S Gift Card will be awarded to the submitter of any lesson plan that is published on EducationWorld.com. All lessons selected are from those deemed by Education World editors to be among the best lessons submitted.
  • Lessons that are selected, edited, and published on our site carry the Education World copyright. Lesson plans provided within this collection are for individual classroom and non-profit educational use only.
  • Please note: Due the quantity of lessons we receive, we are unable to respond to queries regarding the status of submitted lessons. We might use your lesson many weeks or months after it is submitted. If we publish your lesson on the Education World Web site, we will notify you.

Teacher Information

Enter the school name

Lesson Information

A one to three sentence description of the lesson activities. This description may be used to announce your lesson plan.
Check one or more boxes.
Check one or more boxes, but limit your selection to three to four categories.
Enter in a subject if it is not on the list above
State the primary goals or objectives of this lesson.
Please supply a few words teachers might use to search for this lesson plan.
Include materials and resources students will need for the lesson including, if appropriate, the URLs for any Web sites that might be used.
This is the *most* important part of the lesson. Please provide detailed instructions, so the content and intent of the lesson will be perfectly clear to teachers who might use it. Include motivating questions, details of the activity, and suggestions based on your experiences with the lesson.

Note: We give preference to individual lessons that are carefully explained. This is not the place to submit an entire unit. If that is your intent, you might want to look over your unit and submit the single activity in it that was most creative or the activity that most engaged your students.
Explain how to assess the success of the lesson. If the lesson includes an activity (e.g., a discussion question, a quiz, or a test), provide that activity.
If this lesson is taken or adapted from a copyrighted source, provide information here about that source.

Please check your submittal for any errors or spelling mistakes and then Submit