Brief Description
Students create a postcard by illustrating a place they would like to visit and using ten adjectives in a short message describing the pictures.
Students practice writing skills, exercise creativity, and use adjectives to describe a picture. They might also practice technology skills by using Microsoft Works or the Internet to obtain clip art.
adjectives, postcards
Materials Needed
blank white index cards, crayons, markers, colored pencils, clip art, magazines, glue, scissors
Lesson Plan
Say: "Who could use a vacation? Think of a place that you'd like to visit. Think about the way that place looks. Today you're going to take a vacation and create a postcard, using adjectives and your imagination."
- When students have a place in mind, have them draw, cut pictures from magazines, or obtain clip art to illustrate that place.
- On a piece of scrap paper, ask students to list ten adjectives that describe the pictures on the fronts of their postcards. Then, have them write a short descriptive message, using and underlining the ten adjectives.
- Have students copy their descriptive messages onto the backs of their postcards.
Voila! Awesome Adjectives Postcards!
Evaluate the lesson using the following criteria:
- Was a color picture used on the front of the postcard?
- Were ten adjectives used and underlined in the message?
- Was the proper spelling and punctuation used?
Lesson Plan Source
Mitzi L. Vicars ([email protected]), Southside Middle School, Florence, South Carolina