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Ancient Egypt Information Pyramid
Subject: World History, Regions, Cultures
Grade: 6-8
Brief Description
Students work in cooperative groups of three or four to define Egyptian terms and use those terms on pre-cut triangles to create pyramids on oak tag for display. This lesson was originally developed as a follow-up activity for a unit on ancient Egypt.
- work in cooperative groups,
- define Egyptian terms,
- build an information pyramid for display.
ancient Egypt, information, pyramid, definition
Materials Needed
For each group of three or four students
Lesson Plan
Prior to the Lesson
- From the white paper, cut nine triangles, each measuring 4 inches by 4 inches on two sides and 5-3/4inches at the base.
- Number five of the triangles 1 through 5. Label one of the triangles Ancient Egypt Information Pyramid. Leave space for students to list the names of members of the group. Leave three triangles blank.
Lesson Activities:
- Discuss general information about ancient Egypt and hieroglyphs using the print and online sources noted above and any additional resources you find about ancient Egypt.
- Invite students to name some Egyptian terms mentioned in the discussion. Write as many terms as possible on the chalkboard.
- Tell students that they are going to work together in groups to create information pyramids about Egyptian words and hieroglyphs.
- Assign students to groups of three or four. Have students gather in their assigned groups.
- Hand out the vocabulary lists, the nine triangles, the oak tag, and a glue stick to each group.
- Tell students to use the books and Web sites to find the definitions of their assigned words. Explain that each word is numbered to match the corresponding triangle that will be placed on the pyramid.
- Have students work in their groups to complete the research and write the definitions on the five numbered triangles.
- Ask each group to make up a group name using hieroglyphs on the three blank triangles.
- Have students list the names of the members of each group on the triangle labeled Ancient Egypt Pyramid.
- Have each group mount triangles on the oak tag following these steps:
- Paste the triangle labeled Ancient Egypt Pyramid at the top of the oak tag. There will be only one triangle at this level.
- Paste the triangles numbered 1, 2, and 3 in a row going across under the top triangle. There will be three triangles in this level.
- Paste the triangles numbered 4 and 5 and the triangles with your group name in hieroglyphs in a row under the second row. There will be five triangles in this level.
Teacher's Comments: To assess this lesson, teachers can evaluate how the students worked as a group using a group assessment rubric. I used a rubric that included how the students worked together and how the pyramid project looked completed. In addition, I used an information rubric listing different levels depending on the quality of information gathered by the students.
Assessment Rubric
4 -- Full Accomplishment
- Recognizes vocabulary and how it relates to the topic.
- Recognizes all five terms and can place them along with definitions on the information pyramid.
3 -- Substantial Accomplishment
- Recognizes some vocabulary and can relate some of it to the topic.
- Recognizes three to four terms and can place them along with definitions on the information pyramid.
2 -- Partial Accomplishment
- Recognizes very small amount of vocabulary and the relationship to the
- Recognizes two to three terms and can place them along with very basic definitions on the information pyramid.
1 -- Little Accomplishment
- Unable to recognize vocabulary and the relationship to the topic.
- Unable to define more than one term and place it on the information
Lesson Plan Source
Submitted By
Submitted by Joanne E. Hughes, Covert Avenue Elementary School, Elmont, N.Y.
The submitter of our highlighted lesson received a $50 honorarium. See our guidelines to submit your lesson plan!