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Winning Lesson Plan

Communication Comparisons

Subject: Language Arts, World History
Grade: 3-5, 6-8

Brief Description

Students work in teams to research and learn about methods of communication. They use graphic organizers to compare the methods and share findings with others.



  • navigate the Internet and use print sources to find and record information on several types of communication,
  • work in teams of three or four to choose three methods of communication to compare,
  • work in teams to choose some type of graphic organizer to represent their findings and share them with peers.


Braille, sign language, communication, Internet, graphic organizer, hieroglyphics

Materials Needed

Lesson Plan

  • Discuss the meaning of the word communication. Ask students to name some types of communication.
  • Provide students with print resources, videos, and URLs or printouts of the Web sites suggested above to demonstrate various types of communication. If possible, invite a communications expert to speak to the class about different kinds of communication.
  • Give each student a sheet of paper divided into three columns. Ask students to look at the resources, choose three types of communication, and record them at the top of each column. Under each heading, students should take notes about that type of communication.
  • Divide the class into teams of three or four students. Instruct students to choose which three forms of communication they would like to compare.
  • Teammates then work together to find at least five similarities or differences for each method of communication. They must list five to receive a passing grade, and more items under each category will yield a higher grade.
  • Once team members agree on the information, ask them to choose an appropriate graphic organizer to display their findings for the entire class. Students on each team work together to complete the comparison on chart paper and choose one team member to explain the diagram to the entire class.
  • When each group is finished, hang the charts around the room. Let the class view the charts while one member of each team stands by the display to explain the team's findings.
  • Later, have students who viewed the charts share their observations with the team member who shared the information with the class.
  • If necessary, prompt students to share inferences or other higher level thinking observations with the group.


Observe students during individual and team sessions. Evaluate individual students on charts and recorded information and how well they worked with teammates to complete the task. Evaluate teams on neatness and accuracy of their charts, with a minimum of five similarities and differences under each of three categories to receive a passing grade.

Lesson Plan Source

Submitted By

VaReane Heese, Springfield Elementary, Springfield, Nebraska

The submitter of our highlighted lesson received a $50 honorarium. See our guidelines to submit your lesson plan!

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