These are sample requests and topics from the most frequently asked questions. Please scroll down the page to view all the resources or choose a category below for specific information.
Building Finance Staffing Support Personnel Technology
Certification Grants Internet Lesson Plans Substituting Themes
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Building Maintenance
Q. Where can I locate information on the physical school plant?
A. Education World Original Articles:
Financial Issues
Q. How can I get the funding I need for my school? What compensation packages work best?
A. Education World Original Articles:
Teacher Staffing Issues
Q. What are some tips for school staff management?
A. Education World Original Articles:
Support Personnel
Q. What types of resources are available about/for educational support personnel?
A. Education World Original Articles:
Q. What are the benefits of technology in the classroom?
A. Education World Original Articles:
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Q. How do I become a teacher? What are the requirements? What are the steps to teacher certification?
A. Education World Resources:
Q. What types of grants are available for teachers? How do I apply for grants? How do I write a grant proposal?
A. Education World Resources:
Q. How do I use the Internet in the classroom? What types of projects are available?
A. Education World Original Articles:
Lesson Plans
Q. Where can I find lesson planning ideas for history (or math, or science, etc.)?
A. Education World Resources:
Q. Can you suggest areas where I might find information specifically for substitute teachers?
A. Education World Original Articles:
Q. I'm looking for holiday lesson plans. Where can I find them? Which month is National Black History Month?
A. Education World Resources:
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Q. I need help with my term paper. Where can my son find help with his homework?
A. Education World Resources:
Q. Where can I find education research materials?
A. Education World Resources:
New/Student Teachers
Q. This is my first year teaching and I need some advice. What resources are available for student teachers?
A. Original Articles from Education World:
Q. Where can I find information on the GED? What tests are required for my field? What's going on with National Testing?
A. Original Articles from Education World:
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Financial Aid
Q. What is the cost of a college education today? How can we start saving?
A. Education World Resources:
School Comparison
Q. We're moving to another state, how can I find school information? What is the difference between public and private schools?
A. Original Articles at Education World:
School Involvement/Support
Q. How can I participate in my child's education?
A. Original Articles at Education World:
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Finding Articles
Q. Where can I find past Education World articles?
A. Each of our Education World Original Content Sections has its own archive page. These can be found at:
Troubleshooting & Search Problems
Q. I'm having difficulty with the Education World site. How can I get help?
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