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December, 1998
December, 1998
 Surfing the Net with Kids https://www.surfnetkids.com/ GRADE LEVEL: Parents, K-12  |
Surfing the Net with Kids is the Internet version of Barbara J. Feldman's syndicated newspaper articles about safe sites on the Internet for kids. The site offers the complete archive of Feldman's articles, is searchable, and has advice to parents about Internet safety for children.
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This cheerful site has a different graphic each week that relates to the current article. The current year's articles are presented in a chronological list down the main page. The individual article pages are fairly concise and easy to read.
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You can find your way around this site several different ways. The most obvious way is by looking down the chronological list of article titles on the main page and clicking on Previous Years at the bottom for more lists. You can also use the search feature, or the Directory of Topics in the left sidebar. The individual articles have navigational menus at the bottom that include access to the search feature of the site.
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Feldman has done a great job reviewing this extensive collection of sites. Her writing is fun and insightful. Each week's article begins with a brief introduction to the subject and then moves into short reviews of five sites. Each site is rated with three to five of stars. At the bottom of the page, below the reviews, is another list of sites that didn't make it into the article either because there wasn't enough room or they were only recently discovered. Those links are neither rated nor reviewed. Parents will want to check out the Safety on the Internet section. It's at the bottom of any page in a menu with Feldman's Biography, a discussion board, and several commercial links. Also in this menu is the Free Email Edition link, where you can sign up to get Feldman's weekly Surfing the Net with Kids article emailed to you, free of charge! The sites that Feldman recommends in Surfing the Net with Kids are ideal for doing just that. Parents will enjoy them just as much as the kids! Have fun!