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The Educational Testing Service Network
GRADE LEVEL: 11-12 & Professionals

This Web site has information on the AP, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, PRAXIS, SAT and the TOEFL examinations.

The site uses graphical buttons for its navigation menu and each page has individualized banner graphics at the top to show the page title. The home page displays its information with a variety of colors and fonts.

All of the sections available on the Web site are listed on the home page and each page has a navigation menu bar at the bottom and a graphic at the top so that the user always knows where they are in the site.

ETS is a private, nonprofit organization that develops and administers achievement and admissions tests for clients such as The College Board. Tests include the SAT and the PRAXIS. The site has information on general topics such as the organization's structure, how test questions are created (they are defined by the educators or other professionals who use the test scores), and questions on the fairness and reliability of the tests. The site also has information on each specific test and sample questions from each of the major tests. More information is provided in separate sections for students, parents, educators, researchers and policy makers. Additional sections include news, information on computer-based testing, and a tests & services directory. This is a very informative site, especially for anyone anxious about upcoming tests or wanting to be prepared.