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AUGUST, 1996


Teachers Helping Teachers

Here is a unique and powerfully rich source of teaching tips and methodologies for teachers.

Here is a fun site to visit, with lots of little animations fluttering everywhere, if you like that sort of thing.

This home page is very long, and the meat of the site takes quite a bit of scrolling to get to.

I am impressed with the usefulness of the content on this non-commercial, done-on-his-own-time teacher's site. Dr. Scott Mandel has accumulated "Teaching Ideas and Tips" from teachers everywhere. These are not simply lesson plans, but commentaries on methodologies for classroom management, language arts, special education, and many of the other major study areas. For example, one submission is entitled "Guidelines for Good Classroom Management Practice". This is an important site for new teachers, and for teachers who are interested in new ideas relating to teaching methodology.