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Updated JUNE, 2007 B

Developing Educational Standards

A list of Internet sites with K-12 educational standards and curriculum documents.

Even though the home page contains a lot of information the spacing, colors and dividers keep it from being overwhelming.

The site's layout is outline format with links to other sections of the main page. It is very easy to get around.

This site has taken on the monumental task of keeping links together for all the sources of information about curriculum and educational standards in America. The information comes from national, state, local, and other resources on the Internet. The site was developed with the Educate America Act passed by Congress in 1994 in mind. The information in the site is referenced in three ways: 1. By table of contents. 2: A listing by subject. This is a great category because you can narrow down your search before you begin and will have access to information on the net in a particular subject area. 3: A listing by state. This section is currently the most incomplete as the site says because "some states have done a lot of work on standards, some have only published statements of their "Goals 2000" plans, and some have published nothing. "The site is a work-in-progress and with sufficient input it could be a fantastic resource for teachers and educators looking for standardization in their educational system.