JUNE, 1997
Educational Support Personnel Workplace http://www.nea.org/esp/
Information and resources about and for educational support personnel. These include paraprofessionals, bus drivers,
custodians, secretaries, food service workers, and others.
Light colors, "hand drawn" graphics and a variety of fonts make the site easy to read and understand.
The main page has graphic buttons for each section as well as text only menus. Each page has a navigation menu to allow the
user to change sections easily.
This website is provided by one faction of the National Education Association - the support educator members. These professionals
are the transportation, food service, custodial and medical staff that allow the schools and personnel to function properly. The site
provides information for the non-support education personnel and the lay community about the jobs, services and additional efforts
being made by support personnel for education as well as resources for the members themselves. Located on these pages are stories
on real members and their achievements, descriptions of support personnel jobs, legal guidelines, forums, newsletters and more.
Without detracting from teachers and administrators, this site reminds everyone that education is a large endeavour and one that requires
a lot of dedicated people.