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Bullying Reality Quiz


Subject: Health
Grade: 6-8, 9-12

Brief Description

Students take a quiz about school violence and create their own quiz on bullying.


Students learn about school violence by taking an interactive quiz.
Students create their own quiz by brainstorming questions about bullying.
Students research online and print resources to find the answers to the questions they brainstormed.


school violence, bullying, conflict resolution

Materials Needed


Lesson Plan

Invite students to take the School Violence Reality Check Quiz online, or print and distribute the School Violence Reality Check Quiz Worksheet.

Answers to the School Violence Reality Check Quiz: 1. a, 2. c, 3. b, 4. a, 5. c.


  • Provide students with the following definition of bullying: Bullying consists of ongoing threats, physical attacks, words, gestures, or social exclusion directed at a student or students by a student or group of students who are older, bigger, or more powerful.
  • Brainstorm with students a list of fact-based questions they have about bullying. Students might want to know, for example, the percentage of students who are bullied, the percentage of suicides that are blamed on bullying, the number of incidents of school violence that are the result of bullying, the percentage of bullies who commit violent crimes as adults, the percentage of schools that have anti-bully programs, and so on.
  • Select five to ten of the most important questions, arrange students in pairs or small groups, and ask each group to research print or online resources to find the answer to its assigned question.
  • Combine the questions into a quiz, either online or in print, and invite students to take the quiz.


Evaluate students on the relevance of their questions and the correctness of their answers.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Linda Starr

National Standards

Physical Education and Health:


Originally published 09/21/2001
Last updated 08/26/2009