From February 7 to 23, athletes from around the world will be competing in the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi (in the Russian Federation). To help creative teachers around the world capitalize on this ultimate "teachable moment," Education World offers more than two dozen Olympics-related classroom activities.
The moment -- the ultimate "teachable moment" -- is here! The 2014 Winter Olympic Games have begun!
To celebrate the start of the Games, Education World offers a handful of new lesson plans plus more lesson ideas and links to more than a dozen lessons we found on the Net. All those lessons are designed to help you capitalize on students' excitement about the Olympic Winter Games.
Below you will find a list of this week's new lessons. Click on a headline for a complete teaching resource. Approximate grade levels are in parentheses.
Olympic Metrics
Metric measurements related to Winter Olympic events are converted to their U.S. equivalents. (Younger students use an online metric converter; older students use a formula to calculate the measurements.) Work sheets are included. (Grades 3-12)
Say "Hello!" Around the World
A student-created map or bulletin board shows how the greeting "Hello" is spoken in many countries around the world. (Grades Pre-K-12)
Olympics Art Fun
Students create medals, Olympic rings, and torches using common materials. (Pre-K-2)
Reading Olympics
The emphasis in this classroom Olympic competition is on reading and book-related fun! (Grades K-8)
Create Your Own Classroom Olympic Games
Invite students to compete in these eight "classroom Olympic" activities. Add your own activities to hold a different event each day of the Winter Games. (Grades K-12)
Tracking Olympic Gold!
Print or online resources are used to build graphs that track Olympic medal winners by country or sport. (Grades Pre-K-12, Advanced)
Be sure to see more Winter Olympic Games activities in our other article, Countdown to the Winter Olympics.
Article by Gary Hopkins
Education World®
Copyright © 2010 Education World
Links updated 12/23/2013