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Olympics Art Fun

Subject: Art,
Social Sciences
Grade: Pre-K, K-2

Brief Description
Students create medals, Olympic rings, and torches using common materials.


Students use fine motor skills to complete Olympic-related art activities.


Olympics, fun, art, fine motor

Materials Needed

  • pictures of the Olympic rings, medals, and torch from magazines, newspapers, or library sources
  • For medals: See lesson link below.
  • For rings: blue, black, red, yellow, and green construction paper or pipe cleaners; scissors; glue or tape; magazine, newspaper, or library sources about the Olympics for young children
  • For torches: white construction or drawing paper; crayons, markers, or paint; tape; orange, red, and yellow tissue paper

Lesson Plan

  • Before the lesson: For the rings, cut the construction paper into 6- to 12-inch strips. For the torches, create a model for students.
  • Motivation: Give students a general overview of the Olympic Games. Show students pictures of the Olympic rings, medals and torch. Briefly discuss the meaning of each.
  • For creating rings:
    Tell students that they are going to create rings like the Olympic symbol. Show students how to put the rings together. Distribute the materials. Help students create rings following the example. Variation: Have students create rings using blue, red, black, green, and yellow pipe cleaners.
  • For creating medals: Link to the lesson Gold Medals
  • For creating torches:
    Tell students they are going to create torches like the Olympic torch. Distribute the white paper, and have students decorate the base of their torches. Help each student roll the paper into a cone shape, and tape securely. Hand out tissue paper, and show students how to arrange the tissue to make a flame in the torch.


Evaluate students' participation in the activities.

Lesson Plan Source

Medals lesson: Kaboose
Rings and torch: Education World

Submitted By

Medals: Sharon Mehl
Rings and torch: Lois Lewis

National Standards


Fine Arts:

Social Sciences:


Updated 07/23/2012