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Xtra Every-Day Edits

Use Every-Day Edits to build language skills, test scores, and cultural literacy. Be sure to see our tips for using Every-Day Edits in your classroom.

More Edits

The Every-Day Edits on this page are intended to supplement those in other months when you might fall short.

Looking for ideas for using Every-Day Edits in your classroom? See our idea file.

See Every-Day Edit activities for every month of the year.


Longest Road on Earth
Hot Dogs!
How Dry Can a Desert Get?
Volcanic Island
First Mail-Order Catalog
The Netherlands' Rivers
World's Smallest Nations
Bachelor President
Island of Copper
Levi Strauss Heads West
U.S.-Africa Capital Connection
Red Stockings Are Popular
How Icy Is Iceland?
Greece's Beaches
Cola Success Story
The World's Largest Bay
The King of Castles
Fastest Sport in the World
The Mail Gallops West
Where Is Helvetia?