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Featured GraphicEvery-Day Edits: Cola Success Story

Hand out this printable student work sheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Activity Key

Uncorrected Text

When is the last time you had a Coca-Cola? Did you know that John Pemberton, a druggist in atlanta, Georgia invented Coca-Cola as a medicine. He named the syrup he invented for two of it's ingredients the coca leaf and kola nuts Coca-cola soon become a popular soft drink. In 1891 Pemberton sold his invention to Asa Candler for $2,300. Candler open bottling plants around the U.S. In 1919, Candler sold the business for $25,000,000!

Answer Key

When is the last time you had a Coca-Cola? Did you know that John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, invented Coca-Cola as a medicine? He named the syrup he invented for two of its ingredients, the coca leaf and kola nuts. Coca-Cola soon became a popular soft drink. In 1891, Pemberton sold his invention to Asa Candler for $2,300. Candler opened bottling plants around the U.S. In 1919, Candler sold the business for $25,000,000!


Article by Gary Hopkins
Education World® Editor in Chief
Copyright © 2004 Education World