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Curriculum Standards

National Standards:
State Standards:


Curriculum Center
Browse over 200 articles and printable Teaching Masters related to topics across the curriculum.

Language & Literature Center
Reading lists, grammar tools, book reviews, and more!

Math Center
Tables, worksheets and resources -- all about math!

Science Center
Resources for life, physics, chemistry, earth science and more!

Social Sciences Center Center
Find specific articles, lesson plans, and resources for teaching Geography, Economics, Archeology, Current Events, Civics, Cultural Studies, and other Social Science Subjects.

History Center
Find specific articles, lesson plans, and resources for teaching History.

Technology Center
This center is devoted to educational technology, and has special sections for students, teachers, and administrators.

Great Sites Center
Each week Education World bring you a set of great sites! Each article covers a specific topic in the curriculum.


Education World keeps you on top of the issues. Check our Curriculum Archives frequently for articles on the latest hot topics:

Education World has reviewed hundreds of sites related to various curriculum areas. We invite you to look through our Site Reviews Archives for subject-specific sites. You can also subscribe to our Site Reviews Newsletter to receive our reviews right in your mail box!


Arts & Humanities



P.E. & Health


Social Sciences

Teacher Resources : By Grade Level:

FREE - Federal Resources for Educational Excellence

The Gateway to Educational Materials

Arts World Wide Visual Arts Curriculum

ASCD's Education Bulletin

ASCD's Curriculum Update


Education World's Education Standards Center

Find out information on both State and National Standards in our Education Standards Center.


Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing
This is the Web site from the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).

Developing Educational Standards
A list of Internet sites with K-12 educational standards and curriculum documents.



National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Information on the national standards for mathematics.

National Council of Teachers of English
Information on the national standards for language arts.

National Geographic Society
Information on the national standards for geography.

National Council on Economic Education
Information on the national standards for economics education.

National Council for the Social Studies
Information on the national standards for social studies.

Center for Civic Education
Information on the national standards for civic education.

Consortium of National Arts Education Associations
Information on the national standards for arts education.

National Center for History in the Schools
Information on the national standards for history.

National Academies of Science
Information on the national standards for science.

Internet Teachers Use Guide
This guide works with you, designing Internet-based lessons that are aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Standards-Based Instruction is the primary focus of this website.

The National Curriculum online
Check curriculum standards in the United Kingdom.