April, 1999
National Council on Economic Education http://www.nationalcouncil.org GRADE LEVEL: K-12
This Web site is part of the National Council on Economic Education's (NCEE) EconomicsAmerica program. Here you'll find a wealth of resources for teaching economics' theories using the Internet as well as information about the national content standards.
The site is well laid out and easy to read, with a bright-red-and-blue color scheme. Few graphics.
To get to know the breadth of this site, educators should take some time to explore the different areas. The site has a lot of excellent material available, but lacks a good overall site map to give a visual reference. Many of the pages have good navigational bars at the left and navigational links at the top and bottom.
The NCEE's purpose is to help kids "think, choose, and function in a changing global economy." The site provides teachers with a bag of tools to make this happen. A good place to start on the site is in the EconEdLink section where you'll find CyberTeach -- an intro to Internet education, NetNewsLine -- economics teaching units put together by major economists around the U.S., and EconomicsMinute -- economics education tied into daily news events. Teachers will also appreciate the Standards section, which includes information about the Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics. Many of the curriculum resources refer to the standards (and the benchmarks) the material relates to. Also, be sure to check out the Catalog of Publications for a comprehensive list of materials available for teachers (for a fee). A significant site for economics education.