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February, 1998

Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing
GRADE LEVEL: Parents & Professionals

This is the Web site from the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).

The site is mainly text-based and uses a lot of white space, making the information easy to read.

Each page has the same extensive menu that allows users to easily navigate the entire site. Viewers can search the site by topic index, by keyword, or by intended audience.

The CRESST Web site provides research on K-12 educational testing. The site presents its information for three different audiences -- policy makers, teachers, and parents. Each section has research and articles but the information varies slightly. Policy makers will find reports on assessment, technical issues, equity, and costs. Teachers can learn about performance assessments, standards, classroom assessments, and portfolios. The information for parents includes reform, assessment decisions, parent opinions, and equity. Users who register at the site can receive free newsletters about the latest CRESST research or read past issues in the online library. Guidebooks and videos on assessment are available as well as a discussion area with a forum, a listserv, and user questions. This is a good resource for administrators and others interested in assessment.