For additional resources, be sure to check out
Education World's special Holidays archive.
Stanley the Christmas Tree Has Lessons for All Seasons
Stanley the evergreen has one wish: to be the centerpiece of a familys Christmas celebration. While other trees sneer at him, Stanley never gives up his dream. The story Stanley the Christmas Tree reminds children to dream big and never lose hope.
Hail to the Chief(s)!: Lessons from Presidential
Presidential libraries hold the papers and memorabilia of former U.S. presidents, making them available to the general
public, and preserving them for future generations. Discover how you can use online resources from presidential libraries
to teach students about U.S. presidents.
Hold an Interest Fair: Broadened "Science Fair" Taps All Subjects,
Students' Interests
In keeping with their focus on the individual child, one Ohio school opted to shun the "science fair" in favor of
a broader alternative -- the "interest fair." This diverse event encourages participants to investigate and share
information about their favorite topics.
100th Day of School Celebration
The 100th day of the school year is a classic "teachable moment." Celebrate the day by organizing a classroom or school
celebration that engages students in activities that promote special fun and memorable learning.
Put the "Memory" Back in Memorial Day
Some teachers, concerned about students' ignorance of the origin and meaning of Memorial Day, have created programs
that stress the importance of remembering and honoring U.S. war veterans on that day.
Back-to-School Letters and Survival Kits Build Communication
Many teachers and administrators have started introducing themselves to parents and students before school starts,
or right at the opening bell. Some have even started providing "survival kits," to help students weather the first
few days of school. At some schools, teachers are welcomed with "survival kits" of their own!
Mother's Day Magic: Today's Gift, Tomorrow's Treasure
Tired of the Mother's Day art project you've been using for the last three years? This week, Education World offers
ideas for unique, inexpensive, easy-to-make Mother's Day gifts! Put your students to work on a masterpiece, and help
them create a memory this Mother's Day.
A Thanksgiving Language Lesson!
A middle school teacher unites persuasive writing with the Thanksgiving holiday. Students work in groups to create
restaurants, menus, and advertisements to attract Thanksgiving Day customers.
Speakers, Projects Bring Veterans' Stories to Classroom
Teachers use a variety of ways to educate students about the historic significance of Veterans Day, coming on November
11. Some teachers ask students to interview a veteran, others invite current members of the military to talk to their
students, and others use the holiday as a chance to focus on the historical time line that evolved Veterans Day into
a national holiday. Included: Classroom activities for teaching about Veterans Day!
Great Sites for Flag Day
On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress passed the first flag act: "Resolved, That the flag of the United States
be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing
a new Constellation." This week, Education World celebrates Flag Day by visiting five great Web sites devoted to the
U.S. flag.
Ten Holiday Web Sites You Won't Want to Miss!
Celebrate the holidays with ten Web sites that no elf could do without! These resources will help you get in the spirit
of the season and teach your students more about Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Chanukah. Ho! Ho! Ho! Let's learn about the
holidays online!
Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit!
Have you and your students already forgotten your New Year resolutions? Lost the spirit of anticipation that the New
Year brings? This week, Education World brings you another chance for a new beginning. It's time to Celebrate the
Year of the Rabbit! Included: Web sites and classroom activities!
Ho! Ho! Ho-liday Art Projects Even Santa Would Love!
From Christmas to Kwanzaa, Hanukkah to New Year's -- welcome the many holiday celebrations of the season into your
classroom with these wonderful craft activities! Included: Ideas for multicultural learning, gift-giving, peace celebrations
-- and just plain fun!
The Thanksgiving Story: The Pilgrims Revisited
The Internet is full of useful materials for exploding myths about the Pilgrims, the Indians, the Mayflower, and the
First Thanksgiving. Whether you teach kindergarten or college, you'll find valuable information and teaching tools
on the WWW. This week, Education World explores the best of those online resources.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Appleseed!
September 26th is Johnny Appleseed's birthday. We celebrate with a bushel of apple-related Web sites for students
of all ages!
Internet Projects to Celebrate Earth Day!
Looking for cool Earth Day projects on the Internet? You'll find an abundance of interesting projects that involve
students in Internet learning -- and saving the Earth!
Are You Teaching the Real Story of the "First Thanksgiving"?
Are you teaching the true Thanksgiving story or is the version you're passing on to your students a blend of fact
and myth? Ready to set the record straight?
Scare Up Some Great Halloween Poetry-Writing Activities!
Halloween is the perfect time for your students to scare up a humorous poem or epitaph! Check out these poetry-writing
ideas from teacher Glori Chaika. Send a selection of your students' work to us!