On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress passed the first flag act: "Resolved, That the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation." Education World celebrates Flag Day by visiting a few great Web sites devoted to the U.S. flag.
Did you know that a schoolteacher started the idea of an annual holiday honoring the American flag? In 1885, Wisconsin teacher Bernard J. Cigrand arranged for his students to observe June 14 -- the 108th anniversary of the congressional act establishing the first national flag -- as the "flag birthday." Given the historical role education has played in the origination and celebration of Flag Day, it is only natural that Education World observe this day by visiting some Web sites devoted to Flag Day and to the American flag.
For an overview of the history of the American flag, the Pledge of Allegiance (in five different languages!), "The Star-Spangled Banner," and other topics relevant to Flag Day, visit The Flag of the United States. Also included in this Web site are pictures of several flags, including all 50 state flags and a collection of patriotic poetry, essays, and other writings.
Teachers can find some classroom activities at the Web site of the National Flag Day Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization committed to educating all Americans about the history and origin of the flag as well as the major people and events in history that have shaped the United States. In addition to instructions on when and how to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, an easy explanation of the meaning of each line of the Pledge of Allegiance, and a word search puzzle, the site includes two very complete lesson plans on Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman.
Annie's "Flag Day" Page is a festive red, white, and blue collection of facts about the U.S. flag, the observance of Flag Day, the Pledge of Allegiance, and other related topics. The layout is simple and easy to read with appealing graphics, plenty of links to related sites, and even holiday e-mail cards.
For teachers of elementary school-aged children, the Flag Day pages of the Holiday Zone Web site have some different activities in the areas of language arts and arts and crafts. There are some reading comprehension exercises built around reading selections about Betsy Ross and "The Star-Spangled Banner."
USAGov’s Guide to Displaying the American Flag
This Web page explains how to show respect for the flag as you celebrate this Flag Day.
Stoney Hill Schoolhouse Flag Day
This Web page has photographs of the small country schoolhouse where, in 1885, a 19-year-old teacher named Bernard J. Cigrand first held exercises to commemorate the 108th anniversary of the American flag. The site also includes the history of the school and Flag Day.
Education World's Flag Day Holiday Archive
Lauren P. Gattilia
Education World®
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