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Happy Birthday, Mr. Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed's birthday is in September. We celebrate with a bushel of apple-related websites for students of all ages.

Primary students at New Cumberland, Pennsylvania's Hillside Elementary recognize Johnny's special day with apple stories, apple prints, and apple crafts. Best of all, they enjoy all kinds of apple delicacies like applesauce and apple butter.

What is it about this delectable fruit that makes it so irresistible? Is it the brilliant hues of red, green, and gold, or just its wonderfully crisp taste? No matter what your explanation, there is no mistaking that apples are very popular among children. In fact, the apple is so associated with fall and "back to school," that many teachers incorporate the theme into their September plans. If you already find this topic "a-peeling" or are thinking of adding it to your "basket" of ideas, these Web sites are for you!

An Apple Site for "Budding" Classrooms

How do you like to eat an apple? In a pie, covered in candy or caramel, or just as it is picked from the tree? From the very beginning, many children prefer to have their apples in the form of juice, and why not? This site explains the virtues of processed apples and offers new recipes for the old standby -- apple juice. Apple Juice on the Internet provides the directions for apple juice jigglers and an apple smoothie (in the Fun & Games section), but it has more than just recipes. You will also find an arcade of games (some Java-enhanced), online coloring, a crossword puzzle, a wordsearch, and a dot-to-dot activity. For more online fun, read AJ's list of most frequently asked questions, or send an email card with the characters.

"Branching Out" on the Web With Older Students

One state that produces more apples than you can shake a stick at is Michigan! The Michigan Apples website—a great, one-stop apple resource—includes recipes, trivia, and facts. You will even find an education kit on Michigan apple educational to download. What happens when you cross two popular apples? You get an exciting new variety like the Ida Red! Read all about this new member of the apple family on this Web site. And it is said that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." You may be surprised to learn just how accurate this statement is! Read "Health Benefits" for all of the details. With all that it has to offer, this site would make even a crabapple smile!

A Few More Apple Sites Picked from the Web

Johnny Appleseed and Westward Expansion
In this activity, students will locate natural barriers to westward expansion, and find the best route and the route taken by Johnny Appleseed. They will also identify things they would need to make the trip and compare it with Johnny Appleseed's baggage.

A World of Kindergartens: Apples
As an elementary resource, few Web sites stack up to this one! Peruse the list of books, apple cooking ideas, activities, and songs and poems.

Postharvest Cooling and Handling of Apples
Find out how apples are harvested, preserved, and safely handled until they reach store shelves. What's the best way to store apples? Keep 'em cool!

Apples General Information and Links
"Leaf" through the many apple links on this page from Food Resource. Click on the names from the list on the left side of this page to view very nice apple images for reports, charts, etc.


Article by Cara Bafile
Education World®
Copyright © 2017 Education World



Originally published 09/22/2017
Last updated 09/26/2017