The Paperless School of the Future Is Here Now!
Computer networks and Internet resources are helping teachers cut down on paper use. Teachers can keep grades and attendance online and use texts that are available at no cost. How are these experiments going? Is the "paperless classroom" just around the corner? Included: Education World writer Ryan Francis's look at three classrooms that are trying to go paperless!
The Educators Guide to Copyright and Fair Use
When it comes to copyright law and the application of fair use exceptions, ignorance is definitely not bliss! Learn how to educate yourselves and your students and avoid making a costly mistake!
Put Your School's Calendar Online!
Web-based calendars help with assignment organization, project due dates, and scheduling. They can even remind you when a scheduled event is about to happen! If you are frustrated with updating paper calendars constantly, then perhaps a Web-based calendar is right for you. Included: Links to the best calendar-creation software and Web sites!
Posting Students' Grades Online Keeps Parents in Touch and Kids on Their Toes!
Most colleges and universities post student grades online and have been for quite some time. Now, a growing number of K-12 teachers are doing it too. Is posting grades online right for your school? This week, Education World writer Sherril Steele-Carlin talks with educators who have been doing it for some time.
Grading Software: Sorting Through the Choices
You've been toying with the idea of putting your students' grades online, but you haven't a clue which software to use. You're finally ready to keep your grade book on the computer, but the software choices have you stumped. This week, Education World writer Sherril Steele-Carlin weeds through the grading software choices so you don't have to! Included: Links to the best grading software online --- and tips for choosing the right software to meet your needs!
Revisiting the AUP: A Digital Double Take
In the beginning, when the Internet was new, many schools attempted to keep online students safe by establishing strict standards and rules known as acceptable use policies (AUPs). Now, according to instructional technology consultant David Warlick, schools can protect students without restricting their ability to participate in valuable collaborative learning experiences.
Clip Art 101
Whether youre publishing on the Web, creating presentations or worksheets, composing a newsletter, or writing to a friend, nothing captures an audiences attention faster, or holds it longer, than an appealing image. Nothing helps people remember what you write more than just the right image does.
Included: Tips for finding free clip art and incorporating it into your digital documents!
Teachers, Take Note! *Schoolnotes*, That Is!
As more and more classrooms become "connected," teachers are finding more and more ways to use the World Wide Web. This week, Education World takes a look at how teachers are using to expand their instructional environment and maximize learning opportunities for their students! Included: Comments from teachers who share ways in which is helping them connect with parents and the community --- and links to their Schoolnotes pages!
Teacher-Created Web Sites Link Home and School --- Virtually!
Discover how to create a virtual link between home and school. It couldn't be easier! This week, Education World editor Linda Starr shares the stories of teachers who have seen the possibilities for using the Web to connect to parents! Included: Tips for making connections to parents on school and classroom Web sites!
No HTML Required!
Education World takes you on a tour of a handful of great sites that provide simple forms for creating Web-based classroom pages, activities, quizzes, and much more. And, best of all, there's no HTML coding required!
Quia: The Quintessential Teacher's Helper!
Want to motivate your students with reviews that are fun and interactive? Don't have the time you need to create such activities? Lack the technology background to create those activities on-line? Quia to the rescue! With this Web site, teachers can build on-line games and quizzes with their own content. Included: What can Quia do for you?