Book Browse Excerpts from selected current books, reviews, interviews, and more. Grades: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Advanced, Professional
BookBrowse offers excerpts and reviews of selected current books. "You can browse the book-jacket synopsis and author biography plus, in many cases, a reading guide and interview." 03/31/04
Mars Exploration Rover Mission Long way from your classroom to Mars? Not anymore! Grades: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
This content-rich site from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory provides teachers and students as well as the general public everything you ever wanted to know about the Mars Rover Mission. 03/29/04
Teachable Current events lessons at your fingertips. Grades: Professional brings current topics in the news to the classroom by providing K-12 educators with "timely teaching ideas to encourage critical thinking on issues of the day." 03/26/04
How Things Fly From air pressure to spacecrafts, just the facts, m'am. Grades: K-2, 3-5, 6-8
This online exhibit from the National Air and Space Museum answers such questions as: What makes an airplane fly? What makes a wing work? How does a pilot control an airplane? How does a spacecraft stay in orbit? Why does a balloon float? 03/24/04
Nation Master Comparing nations using a wealth of statistics. Grades: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Advanced, Professional
This comprehensive site "Where stats come alive!" is an excellent resource that allows users to create graphs that compare countries on almost any statistic. There are currently 921 stats available as well as country profiles, maps, flags, and correlation reports. 03/22/04
The British Museum: Ancient India Great site on ancient India from a great world museum. Grades: 6-8
The Ancient India Web site from the British Museum is aimed at middle school students and provides information and activities related to themes relevant to ancient India. 03/19/04
Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun Site with some good, interactive vocabulary games. Grades: K-2, 3-5
This interactive and educational site was designed by Jacob Richman to give younger students an opportunity to learn vocabulary in a fun way. 03/17/04
National Institute of General Medical Sciences: Science Education Free science materials online and in print. Grades: 9-12, Advanced, Professional
This site from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences offers educators and the general public free brochures and booklets. 03/15/04
The Virtual Museum of New France "New France" being Canada -- a strong site. Grades: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
The Virtual Museum of New France is an educational online tool developed by the Canadian Museum of Civilization. It provides information about France's involvement in the exploration and settlement of the New World from the 16th to the 18th century. 03/12/04
The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum A strong resource on the quintessential American president. Grades: 3-5, 6-8
The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum provides information about the16th President of the United States and the structure being built in his honor that is to be completed in 2004. 03/10/04
Revise Wise Designed to prep for the English national exams, but useful for all. Grades: 3-5, 6-8
Revise Wise was developed by the BBC an aims to support 10-11 year olds as they prepare for the National Curriculum Tests in English, Science and Math. But the content here is useful for upper elementary and middle school teachers and students anywhere. 03/08/04
42eXplore Themed resources and teaching ideas. Grades: Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
This site offers a lot of curricular material with over two hundred topics in the theme archive. Books are also offered for sale but the free content is extensive. 03/05/04
UCLA Language Materials Project Reference materials for lots of foreign languages. Grades: Professional
The US Department of Education International Education and Graduate Program Service provides funding for The UCLA Language Materials Project (LMP). This project offers an online bibliographic database of teaching resources for less commonly taught languages. 03/03/04
Basic Steps in the Research Process Straightforward and practical. Grades: 6-8, 9-12
Holly Samuels, Librarian, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School created this site. It provides help for students in the process of creating a research project. 03/01/04