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March 2004
Updated July 2009

Book Browse
Excerpts from selected current books, reviews, interviews, and more.
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Advanced, Professional


BookBrowse offers excerpts and reviews of selected current books. "You can browse the book-jacket synopsis and author biography plus, in many cases, a reading guide and interview."
This easy to use site is colorful and attractive, with cute graphics and photos of the book jackets.
The top menu bar offers access to the major areas of the site. There is also a left side menu available for browsing by genre. Additionally there is an on-site search tool.

Do you love to read and just don't have the time to spend browsing through the bookstore to find just the right book among the thousands of titles that are published each year? Well, let Book Browse do the legwork for you! Davina Morgan-Witts and her husband Paul have created this site to take the guesswork out of book buying. According to the site, "BookBrowse carefully selects from the most interesting current books and provides you with multiple reviews and a substantial excerpt of each." Visitors to the site can browse by genre. Browsing in other ways, such as by geographical setting and time period, is available only to paying members of the site. Hundreds of interviews with authors are available, along with reading guides, visitor reviews, advice on starting and running a reading group, and a free newsletter that will keep you up-to-date with interesting and eclectic reading suggestions every week. Parents and educators will be able to use the sections for teens, young adults, and children ages 9+ to help their children select appropriate titles and to keep themselves abreast of what their children are reading.


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