According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, as few as ten hours of classroom instruction can be enough to persuade students to improve their spending and saving habits. This week, Education World offers lessons to help get them started on the road to financial responsibility! Included: Lessons about budgets, credit cards, producers and consumers, and more.
According to Youth and Money, a study conducted by the American Savings Education Council, fewer than half of U.S. high school and college students have a regular savings plan. Only about one-fourth of those students stick to a budget, and more than one-third don't keep track of their spending at all.
Financial illiteracy isn't limited to students. Half of U.S. adults received a failing grade for their knowledge of basic economic concepts, according to a survey conducted by the National Council on Economic Education.
The costs of financial illiteracy are high -- and they last a lifetime! April is Financial Literacy for Youth Month. Why not spend a few minutes preparing your students for a lifetime of financial security? The lessons below will help!
A brief description of each activity appears below. Click any headline for a complete teaching resource.
Where Does the Money Go?
Students learn about personal budgets and create their own. (Grade 6-8, 9-12)
Students compare the features of three different types of credit cards. (Grade 9-12)
Who Am I?
Students play a game of charades, acting out the roles of producers and consumers. (Grade K-2, 3-5)
Lemonade Stand
In this online game, which teaches the basics of supply and demand, kids run a lemonade stand.
This Web site, maintained by Ernst & Young LLP, includes lesson plans, activities, tools, and an interactive game to teach basic financial planning concepts to students in grades six through eight.
NEFE High School Financial Planning Program
The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) provides this free curriculum program, which uses games, simulations, and interactive activities to teach high school students how to manage their personal finances.
Tonya Skinner's Business Education Lesson Plans and Resources
This site contains lots of lesson plans, activities, tools, bulletin board ideas, and other resources for business education teachers.
Search for economic lesson plans by title, grade, standard, or lesson plan type at this site of the National Council on Economic Education.
Consumer Education Materials
The goal of this site is to educate students and their families about how to identify scholarship scams and rip-offs.
Bank Directory & Consumer Banking Guide
BankSite provides a number of financial planning tools, including a Loan Term Calculator and a Monthly Payment (Personal Loan) Calculator.
Consumer Scavenger Hunt
This online scavenger hunt and accompanying essay questions were developed by the California attorney general's office for National Consumer Protection Week.
Updated: 04/04/2015
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