Hola! Each year from September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month. This week, Education World offers a dozen lessons to help students learn about the cultures and contributions of people of Hispanic heritage. Included: Activities that involve students in creating glossaries, reading and writing folktales, growing foods popular in Hispanic cultures, and much more!
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Hispanic Americans are one of the fastest growing population groups in the United States. Today, the Hispanic population comprises 44 million people, making people of Hispanic origin the nations largest ethnic or race minority. Hispanics constitute 15 percent of the nations total population; by 2050, the Census Bureau projects Hispanics will comprise 25 percent of the population.
The theme for this year's celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month is Heritage, Diversity, Integrity, and Honor: The Renewed Hope of America
Use the 12 activities below to begin your students' exploration of Hispanic heritage. A brief description of each activity is provided. Click any headline for a complete teaching resource.
Spanish Phrase Picture Dictionary
Students create a picture dictionary of common English phrases translated into Spanish. (Grades K-2, 3-5)
Travel Guides
Students design travel guides for countries where Spanish is the official language. (Grades 6-8, 9-12)
Using Cartograms to Learn About Latin American Demographics
Students create cartograms, special-purpose maps to illustrate features other than area, showing populations and gross domestic product of countries in the Western Hemisphere. (Grades 6-8, 9-12)
Hispanic Heritage Activity Fun
Students complete puzzles, activity sheets, and pictures about facts relating to Hispanic cultures. (Grades 6-8, 9-12)
Retablo-Style Self-Portraits
Students create tinfoil self-portraits in the style of Frida Kahlo, a famous Mexican painter. (Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12)
Did You Know ...
Students complete a true-false work sheet about Hispanic history. (Grades 6-8, 9-12)
For the Beans
Students grow vegetables, such as corn, beans, squash, and chilies, often used in recipes in Hispanic cultures. (Grades K-2, 3-5)
Famous Hispanics Hall of Fame
Students write biographies of famous Hispanics. (Grades 3-5, 6-8)
Letters to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus
Students learn about and write letters to members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. (Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12)
Spanish in English
Students create a glossary of Spanish words that are commonly used in the English language. (Grades 3-5, 6-8)
Flags of Nations
Students illustrate flags of countries where Spanish is the official language. (Grades K-2, 3-5)
Create a Folktale
Students write a folktale modeled after tales from Hispanic cultures read and heard in class. (Grades 3-5, 6-8)
Article by Lois Lewis
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