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Flags of Nations


Subject:Arts & Humanities
Grade:K-2, 3-5

Brief Description
Students illustrate flags of countries where Spanish is the official language.


Students demonstrate abilities to draw flags of countries where Spanish is the official language.


flags, nations, Spanish, language, country

Materials Needed

library sources, computers with Internet access, or color printouts from the Web sites listed in the Lesson Plan; drawing or construction paper; markers, crayons, or paint

Lesson Plan

  • On the board, write the names of the following countries where Spanish is the official language: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela.
  • Read the names of the countries to students. Show students pictures of the flags from these nations from library sources or one of the following Web resources:
    --- The World Factbook: Flags of the World
    --- World Flag Database
    --- Geographic Index to Flags of the World (Alternate Source)
  • Distribute the drawing materials. Assign each student one country. Have students illustrate that country's flag. Write the name of each country under each illustration.
  • Display the completed flags on a classroom wall or hall wall, or hang them as mobiles.


Observe students' participation, and evaluate students' illustrations.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted by Lois Lewis

National Standards

Language Arts

Fine Arts

Originally published 09/25/2000
Links last updated 09/01/2006