Subjects Arts & Humanities
Brief Description Objectives Students will
Keywords magic, math, card, trick, puzzle
Lesson Plan In this activity, students learn a cool card trick they can try on friends, siblings, and parents. Let them perfect the trick on their classmates first. To incorporate technology into this activity, you might have students write their magician's spiel in script form, videotape one another, and critique the performances. For detailed instructions for this activity, go to the Math Explorer Web site to find the The Mind Reader activity. Assessment Students will write a paragraph that explains in their own words the math behind this trick. Lesson Plan Source National Standards FINE ARTS: Theatre
NA-T.K-4.1 Script Writing by Planning and Recording Improvisations Based on Personal Experience and Heritage, Imagination, Literature, and History
NA-T.5-8.1 Script Writing by Planning and Recording Improvisations Based on Personal Experience and Heritage, Imagination, Literature, and History
NA-T.9-12.1 Script Writing by Planning and Recording Improvisations Based on Personal Experience and Heritage, Imagination, Literature, and History
NL-ENG.K-12.2 Reading for Understanding NL-ENG.K-12.4 Communication Skills NL-ENG.K-12.5 Communication Strategies NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills
NM-NUM.3-5.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems NM-NUM.3-5.2 Understand Meanings of Operations and How They Relate to One Another NM-NUM.3-5.3 Compute Fluently and Make Reasonable Estimates
NM-NUM.6-8.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems NM-NUM.6-8.2 Understand Meanings of Operations and How They Relate to One Another NM-NUM.6-8.3 Compute Fluently and Make Reasonable Estimates
NM-NUM.9-12.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems NM-NUM.9-12.2 Understand Meanings of Operations and How They Relate to One Another NM-NUM.9-12.3 Compute Fluently and Make Reasonable Estimates
NM-ALG.3-5.1 Understand Patterns, Relations, and Functions
NM-ALG.6-8.1 Understand Patterns, Relations, and Functions
NM-ALG.9-12.1 Understand Patterns, Relations, and Functions
NM-COMM.PK-12.2 Communicate Their Mathematical Thinking Coherently and Clearly to Peers, Teachers, and Others NM-COMM.PK-12.3 Analyze and Evaluate the Mathematical Thinking and Strategies of Others NM-COMM.PK-12.4 Use the Language of Mathematics to Express Mathematical Ideas Precisely
NM-CONN.PK-12.2 Understand How Mathematical Ideas Interconnect and Build on One Another to Produce a Coherent Whole NM-CONN.PK-12.3 Recognize and Apply Mathematics in Contexts Outside of Mathematics
NT.K-12.1 Basic Operations and Concepts NT.K-12.2 Social, Ethical, and Human Issues NT.K-12.3 Technology Productivity tools NT.K-12.4 Technology Communications tools NT.K-12.5 Technology Research tools NT.K-12.6 Technology Problem-Solving and Decision-Making tools Click here to return to this weeks "More Math Fun article. Have you seen these math resources from the Education World archive?